Sleep and anxiety were awful. I blew off going to swimming (which usually helps) because I was so tired, and now I'm mad at myself for not going. Just want to cry and stay in bed. And I have a social event tonight that I was looking forward to, but now dreading because I feel so badly today and don't want to interact with people and put on a happy face when I'm feeling like this. Thank you for letting me share in this space as there are so few places where I feel it's safe to do so.
I am struggling today: Sleep and... - Anxiety and Depre...
I am struggling today

I am so like you, when I don't sleep, I blow off stuff that I know would help..then I don't want to put on a happy face and go to social functions..then I get mad at myself and depressed foe not going to things..My Mom did all of this bc she suffered from awful anxiety, and I know now why she didn't go to things.
You are NOT alone in feeling this way..anxiety is exhausting....
Are you getting help? Are you taking any meds to help?
I am on a few drugs, my Dr. Is trying to change them, find a new one to help with sleep.
I am useless and the anxiety gets worse when a I don't sleep.
Thank you. I am on medication for my depression and my sleep which helps, but I still have bad nights at times. There have been some other stressors lately in my life and that usually affects my sleep, like it did last night. Thank you for letting me know I'm not alone in this.
yes, added stress will do a job on your sleep, even with meds I still have some bad nights bc of that. I beat myself up and it is so easy to do, try to be kind to yourself during the extra stressful times. We are still awesome people and I am trying work on loving myself, I hope you can do the same. I like your username, I have 4 cats and have volunteered for years at cat rescues. BTW, my kitties give me great peace when I am stressing!!
Thanks again. I am doing my best to be kind to myself and trying to pat myself on the back for whatever I accomplish today. So far I did a short dance exercise tape, showered, and did some work on the computer. Just can't expect too much on days like this. I have 2 cats and a dog and am definitely a cat person - my husband is the dog person - haha! And, same, my pets are a huge comfort to me.
hi there, I think you did a lot for a bad day, hope you are having a better week. We have such a hard time patting ourselves on the back when we do good....
My husband is a dog person, though he does like our latest foster kitty, and old kitty with arthritis, but he likes my husband and vice versa.
Thinking of you....
Thank you - got better sleep so I am doing better today. How are you?
I am doing better, my doctor suggested Medical Marijuana for sleep and anxiety as my meds are not doing it anymore- tried new ones, no luck... I got some stuff for sleep and anxiety, I have slept great the last 2 nights I took it, and it calmed my mind. It is not cheap, but I have to look at quality of life.
How are you?
I'm sorry your day has started off in such a difficult way.
Some days we just have to give ourselves a pass, take a break and regroup.
Have you found that somedays we can bounce around in how we feel? I find that so for example I may wake up feeling I don't want to engage in anything and then a few hours later I may feel completely different.
Maybe a nap will help?
I'm really sorry about this social event. It's disappointing when you have looked forward to it.
Maybe later you will feel like going. If not please don't be too hard on yourself.
Sending you peace
hi I understand. I took time off work for a few weeks do to anxiety stuff and todays my first day back. I had a sleepless night. I have skipped my counseling and a few social events too over the last month and a half. But last week I really forced myself to go to counseling and it helped me soo much just to talk and show up. But on one of my events that I forced myself to go to, not so pleasant. I say ask of this because I know that I’m not alone, especially after finding this platform. I know that we are some tough folks here and that I am going through something that will get better if I have compassion for myself and don’t push myself like I usually do when going through this season of my life. Please know that. Be patient with yourself. You are amongst folks that understand.
Thank you so much. I did just show up for a Zoom meeting for a place I volunteer with, but may skip the in person social event tonight - it feels like too much.
Hi, as you’re already aware I’m struggling too. I hope eventually something gets better for you. Keep holding on.

Thank you!