On Wednesday I had an abscessed tooth removed. Then 2 days later, the same molar on the other side broke. I have Medicaid and haven't been able to have a regular exam in many many years. I know I'm grinding due to anxiety, and I'm now using a mouth guard at night, but it's like, can my teeth please stop falling apart!? I cant eat with just my front teeth. I'm scared.
Scared, anxious, and depressed tonight - Anxiety and Depre...
Scared, anxious, and depressed tonight
I know this is hard to live through, having gone through a period when I put off needed dental work due to finances, myself.
I ended up going to a dental school 3 hours from my home to save a tooth. It took me 6 months to get in, but I paid 40% the cost of a local visit. I carefully chewed on the right side of my mouth for 1/2 a year. It was crazy but glad I did it.
My city (of 120,000) also has township funds to help people in emergency situations. (Which can include dental work, of course. ) This is a small amount, but everything helps. Have you tried your area social services directory and asked directly? Sometimes religious groups like Catholic charities help with problems like this too.
Hi. Thank you. No I have actually never heard of a social services directory...can I just google it for my area?
Im not sure online. It would be in the "blue pages" and under your city's name along with "social services" . I would also see if your town has a community health clinic and they may be able to point you in the right direction.
Use peroxide to gargle
Get to a dental clinic immediately