A Depressed Future Therapist - Anxiety and Depre...

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A Depressed Future Therapist

10 Replies

Hello everyone. I’m new here— just joined yesterday! A little about myself:

I have suffered from major depressive disorder for about four years now. At times I have been able to manage it, other times not so much. I just graduated from college with my bachelors degree in Applied Psychology. I have been offered a few jobs and have accepted one in which I will be counseling children ages 0-6 and their families. After I receive my masters degree, my goal is to become a licensed mental health counselor.

I guess I’m worried that my depression will get in the way of my work. Who am I to give advice to people about depression when I can’t even help myself? This is the question I have been struggling with for some time now. I know that I may have a better understanding of my clients depression because of my own experience with it, but I’m still feeling like a hypocrite.

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10 Replies
casual_nihilist profile image

You have the perspective of realistic expectations. Valuable for sure.

in reply to casual_nihilist

Thank you causal_nihilist!

footgo profile image

A very good morning to you AvidNapper

With your experience of life l would personally say that you are able to understand the ups and downs of life. You are not just sitting in your ivory tower handing out what you have learnt from your book studying. First hand experience must be to your advantage.

Good luck in your life ahead, l am very sure that you will be able to help many people in your long life ahead of you!!

in reply to footgo

Thank you footgo! That truly means a lot to hear. I wish you happiness and safety during this time ❤️

Dolphin14 profile image

You definitely have what it takes. You understand. You will be genuine, not a text book.

I wish you well in your career. You can continue to fight your own battles and help people at the same time. That does not make you a hypocrite.

I wish you well on your path to conquer your mental health issues. It is a struggle but never lose hope.

in reply to Dolphin14

Thank you Dolphin14! Your words of kindness are much appreciated ❤️

blackcat64013 profile image

You are already a winner achieving a qualification to go with your valuable personal experiences of mental illness. You are more than qualified to help. Good luck with your job and future studies.

in reply to blackcat64013

Thank you, Blackcat64013! I had a professor in college who said something very similar to me. I appreciate it ❤️

PackerGirl profile image


As someone with an MSW and who has worked in the field for years, I have a response guided more by the ethics of our profession. It is your ethical responsibility to seek help for yourself to allow you to process your depression and NOT allow any transference to occur in your work with these kids. Self care is always first and it sounds like you’ve neglected this part of your life. You’d be doing a disservice to your clients if you don’t seek treatment first.

in reply to PackerGirl

Thank you, Packer Girl. I would never allow for a child, or another human, to be harmed by me, or my condition. I will be getting therapy so that I can feel better before starting my job.


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