I have been battling depression for as long as I can remember. I was on sertraline for about 4 years and gained quite a bit of weight while being on it. I talked to my doctor at the time and tried switching over to buspirone(sp?). Long story short, I didn’t like the new drug and quite taking meds all together. I had been doing fine until I got pregnant last year. I new a lot of it was the change in my hormones but was hoping it would get better after I had my baby. My baby is my third son and he is 2 months old. I breast feed and I’ve read that breast feeding helps with post partum depression. I’ve been ok until about 1 month in. Now I’m crying all the time, I’m stressing out my boyfriend and I’m just tired of feeling like crap all the time. The depression I have is genetic. I have several family members on my mothers side that all have depression and all of them are on anti depressants. For the past year or less I have also been dealing with my oldest sons depression. He is 10 years old and was diagnosed with adhd at the age of 6 and is now diagnosed with depression and ptsd from his abusive x step dad. It’s been a rough road and I’m thinking of trying to get back on sertraline regardless of the affects of weight gain I had. I’m worried that my depression is effecting how I am with my relationships and life in general. It’s nice to have a place to vent. I feel like I can’t really talk about this to anyone at home because they all rely on me to keep everything together.
Need a friend: I have been battling... - Anxiety and Depre...
Need a friend

Hi there. I gained weight on sertraline too, but it was a small price to pay for managing my depression and salvaging my relationship. Try to remember your hormones are not only changing but you are tired from baby too. Do the best you can with what you can (I don’t have kids yet so my advice may be poop).
Yes you have depression, for which I am sorry. And for some of us women we have depression to go along with and post-part um depression. which cam last for several months. I would talk to your Dr. if no help there seek out a psychiatrist, I had one and he was invaluable. (Why had, I moved from Calif. to Sth.) I now have a lovely lady Nurse Practitioner, she is doing her best to work with me, I would say I am out of my depression 95%.
So please go and get help, look on line there is a Lot of information there,and you can text us, we listen, learn and share our thoughts and feelings. I wish you well,reminder "it Will end". Sending love, hope and big hugs. Sprinkle 1...
Thank you so much sprinkle1 I really appreciate the advice and kindness. I have struggled for so long with depression and I know I need to seek help. It’s been a while since I’ve been on meds before and I know they help. I just need to find a doctor. I live in a small town and have to drive to another city for a doctor. It’s discouraging due to the little time I have to get over there and do it. It’s so relieving to talk to people though. I hate to burden my boyfriend with my issues because he’s dealing with so much himself right now. Thank you again. And I’m here to talk whenever you need it as well!
I’m proud of you for putting your mental health first. Weight gain stinks but eventually when you start to feel better you could hopefully incorporate exercise into your day although with three kids that might be tough. I breastfed and had major post partum depression. Probably because my child would wake up every hour the first 6 months. It’s not easy living with someone with depression but the more your boyfriend learns about it hopefully he’d be more understanding. I hope you get back on the med that works for you and that you feel better. You are not alone. I’m here if you need to talk.
Your right and it is so hard sometimes. Luckily it hasn’t affected my taking care of my kids. But most days I just lay around watching tv because I feel tired all the time. It’s hard because I feel like when I’m not being productive it makes me depressed, and when I’m depressed I’m not productive. I’m just stuck
I gained a lot of weight on sertraline too. It’s not fun and losing the weight I find is pretty hard
Hi, my youngest is 2 now and it's definitely hard with a new born and older siblings too anyway, but when you're feeling such a personal struggle yourself and your boy has his struggles getting the help you need if it's that specific medication will hopefully get you built up. Your pic today was so lovely. You're doing your best you know, and your family will be the better for it. Don't be too hard on yourself for anything just now. I've put a lot of weight on since starting back on drugs for arthritis/colitis so I know it can make you feel more rubbish, but the good thing is if you're feeling better you can take positive steps to manage around you better and eventually can lose the weight. Breastfeeding is really tough stuff at times, proud of you!