It's been an eternity since I last posted. Since then I've gotten engaged and moved in with my fiance. It's been incredibly rough, and has brought on the depression in full force. I'm not happy in my life, and I don't know what to do. My life is so unfulfilling and pointless. To top it off, we are still in the stay at home order, which I understand, but I'm going stir crazy. I could write a book, but I won't bore you. Any positive advice would great. Thanks.
Feeling depressed and unfulfilled - Anxiety and Depre...
Feeling depressed and unfulfilled

Talk to your fiance about how you are feeling, if you haven't already. I know moving and marriages can be extremly stressful you have gotten past the hard part of moving and now you just need to have your wedding (which will be very fun and excited congrats man!!) and then after that life will get easier and you can just focus on enjoying life with the love of your life. Give it time, COVID-19 will be gone and everything will be back to normal and better now that you will be with your wife.
What's going to happen when we go back to our ( normal ) lives and we're still bored with them ? Maybe they weren't as great as we thought
5footsmall try setting boundaries in the home of where he has his space, your space and then our space. that way you can still get away when you need "me" time.
Hello 5footsmall, how have you been doing today? Am sorry to hear that moving in with your fiancé and this lockdown has been rough on you. I know that situation or people around our life contribute to our happiness but I also thing we have to take charge of our happiness. For me it’s a dress I choose to put on everyday. Life can be very challenging so if we focus on the problems it will drain us. I choose to count my blessing and enjoy this life as a gift to celebrate. I live in New York and I have families and friends who have died from the covid. Its been devastating but any day I wake up and breathing on my own I thank God for life. I choose to focus on the blessings. What I have been trying to do is keeping myself occupied. Try adding some activities in your day to keep your mind busy and focus on something else. Check out some dance off exercise on you tube you can do during the weekdays. Coursera has free or paid courses you can do for knowledge or adding to your skills. That will give you something to work. Join in zoon or online bible studies, prayer or inspiration messages has been so helpful to me during this time. I have never been really bored because there is so much out there, we can do while at home. You can also check on podcast or podbean for audio inspirational messages or audio books. Netflix and you tube has movies you can watch to while away time. I can go on and on and on but you can Check this out and I think you might find it helpful Sending love and hugs your way.