I don’t know who to reach out to as I don’t want to “burden” my friends, even if they say I’m not. I know my thoughts and struggles are valid but sometimes I don’t feel like they are. I’m mostly struggling with school right now. I have 3 big assignments due tomorrow at midnight, and then a test due Saturday night and then a final exam due next Tuesday. I haven’t started on anything yet. I have managed to get everything turned in on time this semester but it has all been at the last minute (literally like within the last hour on some stuff.) Anyways, I guess I just needed to vent when I felt like I couldn’t go anywhere else. I’m determined to get this stuff done on time, but is going to take me a while to do it. I told my Dr today that I think my meds (Buspirone and Sertraline) should be increased, so I’m excited to see how things change before I start my summer classes on June 1st. Even though I’m on medicine, I’ve tried doing all of the things my therapist has recommended, but it just isn’t helping. It definitely didn’t help that my last appt with my therapist got lost in the system, so I’ve had to go two months instead of one like usual. It’s become increasingly harder to do daily tasks, even getting out of bed every morning is a major task.
EDIT:One of the main problems is that I often do not fall asleep until 1am and then I don't get up until at least 10am (usually later though). Tonight I'm awake doing homework, which I usually don't do, but I am so anxious about these assignments that I can't sleep. So instead of laying here in bed wasting time and not sleeping, I decided to do homework and make the most of my time. It is now 12:37am and I am just starting to get sleepy, although I'm not sleepy enough to actually go to sleep yet.