I’m seeing a therapist, take medication, go to support groups and exercise regularly and I’m still consistently depressed and anxious. It’s really starting to weigh on me and I feel like I’m wasting my time doing all these positive things. I’ve also been feeling really alone and like I don’t have anyone to talk to when things get bad. I wish I had more of a support group.
I’m doing everything I’m supposed to - Anxiety and Depre...
I’m doing everything I’m supposed to

I’m really impressed with your plan of action and execution. these are all proactive things that you’re doing so think if it as planting positive seeds, with the right attention and nurturing you’ll see evidences of what you’ve planted. such a good strong foundation you have and along the way to feeling more peaceable you’ll add more things that you find that work. keep in mind a change of therapists may happen and maybe a medication switch if the one you’re currently on doesn’t seem to do the trick, exercise is always going to be positive and this is a fantastic support group. I understand your frustration of wasting your time but even while discovering what does and doesn’t work for you it’s definitely time well spent. Keep it up and good job caring about yourself.
The main thing is that you understand your struggles and are working towards solutions. I fight my anxiety and depression daily. Work intensifies that for me...just look for little victories.....do the best that you can....you will get a lot accomplished...it is never a waste of time..and positive things are never a bad thing......just keep working
Well, you're here 😊. You're not alone, I get it. Our efforts can feel futile sometimes but, please hang in there because it does get better.
Have you thought about hormones being part of the Problem? I saw a functional doctor a year ago. My hormones were low, DHEA was low and my magnesium, b vitamin and other nutrients were off. Once I got balanced my anxiety and mood lifted. Food for thought....I also changed my diet...no gluten, low carbs and watch the sugars. All this can really contribute to mood, anxiety, depressions and energy.
I have definitely thought about getting blood work done. It’s hard when you have no energy so that could be an answer.
I got more help from seeing a functional doctor rather than a PCP. A functional doctor looks at the whole body and test different things that a PCP does not. My functional doctor shares information with my PCP. My PCP admits he does not understand how to look at things in a way that a functional doctor does. But he does see the improvement in me and is happy for the results and supports this.
Thank you for taking the time to respond, it’s hard when you feel alone all the time. I’m going to keep doing positive things like reaching out here and one day it will pay off.