I wish I was a normal girl. Pretty and slim...free from these mental health disorders, active, and social, no financial burdens, and just successful in all aspects in life...too perfect to be true but my gosh it would be nice. I wonder if other people have similar wishes ...probably so and just never share those thoughts. I feel stupid for even wishing I was a normal girl that was perfect. Either way I would still feel lonely.
Wishful Thinking : I wish I was a... - Anxiety and Depre...
Wishful Thinking
BrittBritt89, What is Normal? How boring life would be if every person was a "cookie cutter" of another. What makes us attractive to another goes beyond so being called
normal. Have you ever heard the phrase, "Beautiful both in and out". It doesn't mean
that you look like a model. The exterior fades in time but what does last are your inner
qualities. That's what attracts people to you. But unless you love yourself first, you can't
expect others to love you. You would be shallow without that.
Your post says it all Britt, even if your "wishful thinking" would come true,
"you would still feel lonely" Accept who you are and become the best you can be.
That's where the true happiness lies. xx
Being normal isn't in black or white. Lots of in betweens.
Hidden thank you for sharing. you are not alone by thinking you want to be normal. there are lots of other people who do, I am one of them too.
Thanks for responding and sharing that fact Sabio 77. Don’t be a stranger. 🙏🏾
Hey there, you seem pretty normal to me. Your picture of staring into oblivion is pretty much me as I ponder what ever am I going to do with my life. You should realise you don't have to look perfect or have a perfect life to be perfect. Perfection (to me) is relative to how you act around others. For example, if you can make someone happy and they can make you happy, then that's perfect and nothing else matters. I'm lonely too and can be your friend if you need one or choose from thousands of other people on here. Good luck!
Hi 👋
All of the above for me, on what you just described. But I came to a point in my life, that I realized that some of these things I can change, and some I can’t. But the things I can’t change, I can better manage.
Of course, once in a while, I still think I’d be better off with no mental disorders. Who doesn’t think that?
But really these “normal” people we tend to see, usually do have a lot of things going on. One thing I want to ask, is what even is ~normal~? People who we think are “normal” most certainly are not. They have doubts, issues, anger, regrets, and so on... they just stuff em all down.
I have met plenty of “normal” people. I got close to many. Turns out, they aren’t so normal after all.
Also, success is a very personal thing. What do you think actual success looks like?
For example, For me, the word success means trying your hardest in every situation. Even if it does mean things not working out in your favor. Having people you care about around, And a healthy, positive mindset. That’s a few things of my definition.
The definition of success is very personal. It means different things to different people. Ask yourself, what does success mean for you.
Hello Sweet BrittBritt89, what you are thinking to be normal is relative. We are all unique with talent, beauty and ability. Success is relative. Just looking at our life now. At some point in time we were hailing only service men as heroes in the county but now the world is celebrating doctors, nurses, cleaners, grocery store workers as front liners as our heroes. A dedicated cleaner at the hospital will keep the hospital clean and help minimize spread of infection. I believe in setting your own standards and giving your best at what you do. We all do wishful thinking, but we don’t have to focus on it. This is a note me that read to myself
The world says I should be a Go-Getter and that am too slow. Was struggling to meet the standards of the world around me and the expectations of people. But when I discovered me. I realize that am slow but sure kind of person. Like snail or tortoise, I get to my destination anyway with focus and determination. People may mistaken me to be lazy and unambiguous but I stay focus and do what you can do best. My success may not be what the world defines as success but am fulfilled and happy. Find what you do best and do it with all that you have.