My life has been turned upside down for the last few years. I'm 33 now and married with no children and no plans to have any. I got married and my husband and I bought a nice house together. After that I started battling with serious medical issues. We have since found out that it was all due to mold in our house. So now that we know we started to get work done on our house. Unfortunately we had contractors steal our money, then another one not finish the job. So my 4 bed 3 bathroom house is torn apart. I mean we have walls with no drywall up and rooms that are completely unable to be used. Nothing has a place. It makes trying to live a day to day life very difficult. To make matters worse, only my husband is working. I have gotten so sick that I was unable to work and even with treatment my mold detox is going to take 2 years. I went from being active and healthy to being depressed, having major anxiety issues and adhd very bad. My husband works with computers and has a good job, but I feel so useless. I'm starting to be able to do more around the house, but just the thought of everything that needs to be done to our house and not knowing where the money or help is going to come from is just unbearable. I feel like we are drowning in things that need to be done and we just keep getting further and further behind.
I was active and healthy and used to feel good about myself. Now I've put on weight and I don't exercise. My house is a mess AND needs major work we can't afford. My life for the last few months has just been sleeping a lot then getting up, taking care of my dogs sometimes ( otherwise my husband has been doing it all), sometimes showering and dressing. Then spending the rest of the day eating and watching tv ( and secretly hating myself for doing it). I feel like I've fallen such a long way.
I have absolutely no friends. No one really to talk to. I love my husband and I know that he loves me, but he has got to be getting fed up with being the only one doing anything around the house.
I have a therapist I can talk with and I see a psychiatrist. Unfortunately because of all the toxic mold that has built up in my body I can't take antidepressants and a bunch of medicine to help. Though I do have meds to help with the adhd - and that DOES make a big difference. But I need some people to talk to. I know I should be eating healthy and showering and dressing each day to start my day off right, but my bathroom is a mess and nothing has a place. I wake up dreading the day.
I don't know where to start. My therapist tells me I need a routine. I know I do. But I just can't seem to commit to anything. I feel so overwhelmed by what needs to be done. But if I don't start doing it, it will never get done.
How do I start? Any suggestions?
I Logically know what I should be doing. I should start by making small changes to my day and building from there. Taking bad habits out and putting in good habits instead. I need accountability and a schedule.
Are there any online groups or a website that has good information on a "How to Change your Life?"