dae struggle with memory issues? - Anxiety and Depre...

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dae struggle with memory issues?

13 Replies

I dont know if it’s because i’ve had severe depression so long, being autistic or always being burnt out but I have huge gaps in my memory of my childhood and struggle to remember dates, numbers and names. It takes me forever to recall information at times, especially the older the info is and cant remember info well without seeing or using it regularly. It’s annoying because it interferes with my life, work, in school and people think im dumb. People lose their patience with me for constantly forgetting things or not remembering something they think is easy to remember. I dont have instant memory loss at any moment and I dont forget anything important like how to cook for myself, who the US president is or how to drive, it’s little things and information I dont find useful/relevant to myself. I forget things over time even if it’s something I really ‘want’ to remember.

as far as my childhood, I remember only bits and pieces and much of what I do remember is bad or vague. I can sometimes jolt memories by something that reminds me of it but it’s random. I have ptsd but it’s not from a singular traumatic event, physical abuse or being in the military. I’ve always struggled with it and seems to be worse in my adult years.

13 Replies

When I was younger I had the same problem just remembering the bad parts of my life. Still do. Hard to remember very much of the good times I had. When I look at the young pictures of me smiling for camera I wonder if I was really happy. I don't smile much for cameras now because of the memories I have of me. Hope you can resolve the issues you have.

Same dates and numbers very bad with - memory boosters like vitamins and minerals take There is fish oily which is supposed to increase your brain and take and give to disabled son

Purplesocks02 profile image

Thats hard. My memory is terrible as well. My childhood is a fuzzy blur to me and I forget things easily. My trauma was happening my whole childhood and mine wasn't either one event. I think even if it wasn't a specific situation our brain can still try and block things out. When things are painful our brain trys to forget about it. Maybe that can be a reason for your momory trouble. But maybe our memory just sucks! :)

It's scientifically proven that people with depression have memory problems, I think it's just due to the nature of the disease. Perhaps your PTSD is preventing you from remembering your childhood? In any case depression makes me forget a lot of things which is a shame because I used to have a really good memory, so I do what I can to work around that (making notes of things, trying to do one thing at a time, telling myself to remember a particular thing and holding onto that for a while...). I don't know if any of this is helpful but I just wanted you to know that you're not the only one with that problem.

in reply to

I heard about how depression and trauma, especially when it’s untreated and severe, can cause brain damage and memory loss over time. I think it often has to do with long term exposure to high levels of stress hormones and inflammation. sorry you struggle with it too, it can be so frustrating. sometimes I say something out loud to help me remember it along with notes, journals, lists, calendars and “trying to do one thing at a time”.

hurtingheart1 profile image
hurtingheart1 in reply to

I came across your posts and relate u toI a lot of relate to a lot of it! I do experience sine of the memory loss as well- I think also from the stress and inflammation thing!!😂🤣I try to find natural things to help combat the inflammation like ginger tea and turmeric - I love golden lattes lately with lies of turmeric I knw it’s an squired taste for some but I don’t mind it kinda grows on me!🤣anyway I’m interested to chat more with you! I know this is a delayed reply to this post but as I mentioned just came across it now! I’m searching for things that maybe can help me in my struggles with my brain , emotions, anxiety& depression!!

FearIsALiar profile image

Yup I have the same problem. It has to do with mental health struggles ! Also ADHD / ADD has a lot to do with it as well. I have that and it is one of the hard things about it

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to FearIsALiar

What helps me is writing things down!

in reply to FearIsALiar

oh I do that too. I have journals and lists everywhere. definitely comes in handy when I deal with the government or doctors. only problem is keeping it organized and knowing what information I will need or not.

PastelPink20 profile image
PastelPink20 in reply to FearIsALiar

I have a similar problem with memory too! I also just can’t do directions. It’s difficult because I do now have a tendency to try to keep too many things, like lists or receipts or papers, because I know I’ll forget if I don’t keep them. (But then it’s too unorganized to be useful). So I’m working on that.

My therapist just recommended I get testing to see if I have ADHD/ADD. I don’t know if I have it honestly.

FearIsALiar profile image
FearIsALiar in reply to PastelPink20

Same here. I get overwhelmed with directions because I’m like “omg what if I forget something! Then I’ll screw it up” then having those thoughts make me forget LOL.

I always have to put things in my notes.

SusanZYX profile image

It really bothers me when I can't remember things, as well. I remember much of my childhood, though sometimes I wish I didn't! But I'm also bad with names, dates and faces. My short-term memory is weak, unfortunately. As another person said, I take a lot of notes, much of it in a word do, which is searchable . Hope this helps.

SusanZYX profile image

Meant to write Word doc.

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