my girlfriend fights depression. I try my best to help her be happy and I do what I can to pull her out of her sadness and anxiety, but its getting harder and herder to help and its happening more frequently. I am starting to feel burnt out and I don't know what else to do.
please help: my girlfriend fights... - Anxiety and Depre...
please help
You are A Good Person, There Is An App Called Better Help I guess For Online Counselling, you can Tell Her To Get That .,Usually People Who Are Depressed They Need Love And Care , They Need Someone To Tell them That It's Gonna Be Okay And They Are Going To Be alright, That They Are Loved Even Though They Are Depressed And Thinking All Of These Negative Thoughts ,You Don't Just Need To Tell Her You Need To Show Her That Also , Depressed People Are so Sensitive
Please Don't Leave Her Side Because She's Depressed, You are A Good Person For saying You Wanna Help Her ., You Deserve Happiness With Her. I Hope She Gets Better Soon.
Hey Steve,
I am on the same boat as you because I do the same for my boyfriend so I know it can be a bit overwhelming. Just recently I began to feel depressed also. I am not sure if its because he is or because I have my own personal things going on as well. I get frustrated with him because sometimes it feels like he doesn't actually want to feel better. What helps me the most if calmly talking to him and telling him realize the cycle he is in. I used to get upset because it seemed like he was just going in circles until one day I realized its better if I am calm and just talk it out with him. Let him realize he is creating a cycle and tell him its okay to not feel 100% better today because EVERY small victory counts. My best advice is to always be there even if it means saying quiet for a bit and remind her of how far she has come and will go.
It's not easy to live with us sometimes that's for sure. We don't know what each new day will bring so there's no way for those around us to know how their day will be affected.
Mayb you can seek counseling. Go have a few sessions and see what they have to offer you. You have to have your own set of copping skills to get through this.
It's nice when loved ones reach out here to ask for help. It shows what a wonderful person you are.