I have had a hard time talking to my family about my anxiety, and I feel like its getting worse. Sometimes i think that everyone is just out to get me, so i just stay in my room and listen to music. I cant really go to sleep at night, and i think that I am just a pile of broken parts(or worthless, etc). I just cant keep going on in life its getting to hard to handle. My friends have been trying to help me but no one seems to understand, and when i find people who do understand they just don't want to get on the subject. PLEASE HELP ME!!!!
PLEASE HELP ME!!!: I have had a hard... - Anxiety and Depre...

Are you getting any medical treatment for your anxiety? That's where you have to begin.
No i don't have the money for it im going through collage.
Do you have a counseling department at your college? They should be able to direct you to some help that you can afford.
Not that i know of
Im not that great at talking to people.
Its online and i have not been able to find one but i found a series of websites. Do you think that can help? I just want to be normal again.
It won't hurt to learn about your illness online, but it's no replacement for a doctor's care. I really hope that you have a heart-to-heart with your parents on this, and get them to understand that you need medical treatment. You CAN be normal again. You just need some medical help to do it. Please don't delay on this.
I'll just give you my advice (from experience): Your original post describes many classic symptoms of depression and anxiety. This calls for medical help. Stuff like this doesn't just magically go away. I urge you to talk to your parents about getting the treatment that you need, if you don't have the money yourself.
Hey there, I am here for you. I go through a lot of that stuff too.
You should definitely 1st thing find a psychiatrist who can prescribe meds . Along with that a therapist . They will help you get on the road to healing. Money should not stand in your way as it should just be a copay for your doctor/therapist visits. I am assuming you are under your parents insurance ? Since your parents are not supportive it is imperative that you reach out to members of this community .
It is a good indicator that you reached out already .
Stay strong . Things always get better. We have all been in your position & once you get the help you need you will see that life can be quite enjoyable .
Peace to you
It just feels like everyone is going to say things behind my back and my semester starts on the 13th and i get an attack just thinking about it because everyone that has heard the things that people said i feel like i'm just going to have more people say stuff. I just don't see what there is that i should hang on for. (If anyone knows what dear Evan Hansen is) refer to the song waving through a window and that basically sums it up.
Many, many years ago I was where you are now. All these scary thoughts and feelings banging around in my head. And what if people find out???? Everyone will think I'm nuts!!
Well, all those scary thoughts and feelings are experienced by millions of people in this country alone. It's just part of depression and anxiety, and you would be amazed at how many others in your community are going through this. You are definitely NOT alone.
You are suffering from an illness, and there is no reason for shame. Just please get the treatment you need.
Hello Panda!
I would love to “get on” that subject with you! Don’t worry about other people understanding you, just get on with ways to feel better. You don’t need anyone’s approval or understanding to help yourself heal from within. Don’t dwell on negative thoughts or events/conversations in your spare time, especially before bed. Negative rumination keeps us down. It really does. Think positively, be grateful and live in today only taking baby steps along the way when necessary. I wish peace and sleep for you! 😴🌷😴
I have tried talking to my parents about it and my dad doesn't believe me and he just says that i'm so far from looking like i have anxiety and just knowing that just put me down a hole that i can't get out of. Also thank you for helping me just talking to you guys has helped me from not wanting to commit suicide.
We’re here with you with our mended up broken parts. The light can come back, I promise.
First off, I'd like to say that I'm really glad you had the courage to write this post because you are definitely not alone. Although mental health issues runs in my family, it's a hardly discussed topic in my house until recent years when my anxiety and depression developed a not-so-secret drinking problem for me. I would get so crazy in my head that I would do just about anything to shut everything down, even if just for a night, though it always came back a lot stronger with all the regret and shame of a binge. My problems have been drastically increasing through my late teens/ early twenties where I am now and I feel like I have no choice other than to get help in order to heal myself because, as much as we would like, these things are apart of us and they aren't going anywhere. Talking with my parents has always been the real struggle because we aren't a very touchy feel-y lovey type of family but it's a necessary part of the process because no one can do this alone. This support group was actually my first step in acknowledging my mental illness at face value and it really gave me the power to have a serious conversation with some loved ones about the things I've been dealing with and everyone was surprisingly supportive (this conversation literally just happened post-breakdown). Not everyone has the ability to truly understand the things we, here, are dealing with but it's up to us to reach out and have an open and raw conversation about these things. If you don't have anyone in your life willing to get serious with you about your mental health, there is always doctors and support groups to help get you through. Mental illness is an invisible disease so naturally, those who don't have it, may need some time and information before they can really absorb any of it. it's not an easy topic but the people in your life may surprise you, given a little education on the matter. Have courage to ask for the help you need and if the people in your life aren't cutting it, find new people. My situation seems soo very similar so I'd be willing to chat, if you need someone. Just don't give up
its okay to have fears of your own but don't let that define you make yourself strong and stop thinking what people will say if you seek any medical advice its your life ...make yourself well again its the best thing you can do for yourself...hugs