My life is in shambles. I am getting a divorce after an almost 10 year marriage with two kids. My wife has serious psychological issue that she has never really dealt with properly, and intuitively I feel like I've been extremely abused over the years, but I've been trained to believe that I am the abuser and just feel lost.
On top of that I've been unemployed for a few months and it is driving me crazy. I think my wife lost patience since I am pretty much at my wits end and have nothing left to give that she can take, so she is going with another man. Like I never even mattered to her at all. Makes me feel like such a fool.
I have been working for several years to teach myself software engineering and am pretty confident in my knowledge and skills, but haven't actually been able to break into the industry and have only ever worked shit jobs. Makes me feel like a failure.
I am in so much debt thanks to my wife's insane spending habits. I think I have more debt piled up than money I have ever made throughout my whole life. I have literally no friends, since even guys I've known since I was real young have pretty much morphed into my wife's friends and want nothing to do with me.
I feel like my life was stolen before it ever even began. And the worst part is, I still have strong feelings of affection and longing for my wife. Like I can't bring myself to hate her for some reason, and really just blame myself for everything that has happened.
Oh and I am afraid my health is failing, but I don't have any health insurance. I had kidney issues a few years ago and they appear to be resurfacing. The other day, my right arm started to go numb and my heart really started hurting and I was afraid I was having a heart attack. It sucks because exercise really helps me calm down, but when I work out, I start to have trace amounts of blood in my urine do to the kidney issues and it takes literally forever for my body to recover so I can't really do it.
I am terrified that the final straw will be that she goes for full custody of the kids. She barely even spends time with them, and when she does have them she usually just drops um off at her brothers and goes out with her friends. She's acting fine now, but she has a tendency of snapping at the worst possible moment, so I have no idea what to expect.
I am not trying to get sympathy, like I wasn't always the best husband, and I've done and said some pretty horrible things to my wife over the years. But it's like she works day in and day out to bring out the worst in me, and then acts like I'm such an abusive person when I finally snap. Even though she literally does whatever to get me to that point in the first place, including physical violence with weapons. I just want some direction.
But the thing is, her life is great. She acts like she is so abused but she has a decent house (thanks to me and all my slaving and debt), a new boyfriend literally days after the divorce (actually technically before the divorce really). She has tons of friends and tons of emotional support and she still acts like the victim in all this, and everyone pretty much treats her as one, which is why I'm so confused. It is like I live in an alternate universe from everyone else around me. Only person who sees it seems to be my mom, who my wife obvious hates for it.
A few weeks ago before this happened, I signed up for a data science intensive to help me finally break into the software industry, and I already paid the deposit and now I feel like I can't even focus. Haven't written a line of code in two weeks since this saga first began. My mind won't just shut the hell up. I have a few moments of calm a day, but mostly I am just losing my mind. The program starts tomorrow and I feel like I'm gonna fail now. I have to pass the first round of tests coming in a few weeks to even get accepted into the full program, and I feel like it is hopeless now. Not to mention I have to commute almost 100 miles just to show up now that I had to move out.
This is made worse by the fact that I am staying with my mom, who's not bad (but it is so embarrassing being with my mom after a decade of independence), but I just hate the town I grew up in and have a TON of bad memories everywhere I go here. Plus it is small and just plain boring. Not that I have any money left to do anything. There is nothing to do but try to make some food deliveries on my smart phone for extra cash, which don't even come in often since this town is so damn small. I tried looking for work, I have experience with food serving and have made decent money in the past, but there aren't really a whole lot of opportunities here, and being unemployed so long and being in such a poor state makes it hard to get past an interview.
I literally feel like I am dying. Like I should just end it, but even that makes me feel selfish because I would never want to do that to my kids. And I haven't even started on what they have been through in all this marriage. I feel like a failure for not being able to protect my kids from all this, and they show obvious signs of trauma. I can barely even bring myself to talk about it. It is probably the worst part of this whole thing.
I used to think my wife was such a great person, and I still have this ideal image of her in my mind. Like my issues of allowing her to do this probably go all the way back to when I was a kid. I have always been the one to get dumped.
Literally never left a person in my life. Have attachment issues that are just like compounded insanely now. I have tried prescriptions drugs but they don't even seem to help and just make me feel tired. I feel like I've tried everything there is to try and it is just over. I am told I am a kind, intelligent and decent looking guy by some people who have tried to help, but I literally feel like an insecure, ugly, mean and helpless little boy. It is like the perfect storm, and I just wonder, if I couldn't solve any of these problems all these 30 years of life, how could I ever figure it out miraculously now?
Anyway, I'll keep going day by day, and I'll try to do my best, but it just hurts so badly, and my brain feels like it doesn't even work. My greatest strength has always been my above average intellect and my ability to stay logical when things gets crazy, but now I feel like I've lost even that.
Feel ashamed and embarrassed for even posting this honestly. But I dunno what else to do. Any ideas?