Hello, I'm new to this online form message board style.
I have a form of "winter blues" which in the winter i normally defend against by hitting the gym and taking vitamin "d" but no such luck this year. Been fighting anxiety and depression for 15 years now off/on and IBS for the past 8 years. Just feeling a little over whelmed lately and its starting to snow ball. I am married, and my wife is pregnant with our second child. currently have a 20 month old very busy boy and my wife is 38 weeks pregnant. 6 months ago i wrecked my shoulder at work and in november was cut back on hours due to physio therapy. I am now working roughly half a normal work week and trying to balance all the baby appointments while keeping the lights on. Money has been adding to my stress level greatly as there is so much to buy for a new baby and we are selling our house to take over our parents acreage in spring. Just finding it hard to find 30 seconds for myself with juggling everybody's needs. I have started doing side jobs to try and make up for missing monthly wage which is cutting into the family time and is hard on my wife being this pregnant. She is an amazing woman but there are still hormones going on leaving me on egg shells constantly. I also am managing a small business on the side as well which does require some weekly attention and does cause some tension. One of my biggest problems with stress is that is trigger my IBS symptoms, which leaves me sitting on the toilet for a few hours a day sometimes and feeling extra crappy onto of everything else racing through my mind. It makes it really difficult to work and get my "to do" list done. This in turn makes me further behind, which makes me more stressed, which makes me sit on the toilet more and the spiral continues. I feel like a broken human and am fighting with myself weather or not i am a good enough husband and father. I wonder about how much i will be around for my newborn. I feel like i need a clone of myself to get everything done in a day and keep everyone pleased. I have tried medication in the past, with little success as people say i act goofy and i definitely do not feel like myself and almost "hollow" inside with emotion. My wife is strongly against me getting medication as it has not turned out good in the past and one medication did trigger complications with my heart(i'm only 30 yr). Any advice would be great. I normal pull myself up by my boot straps but that has not been working this year.