It's so hard. Mom's soul is in corrosion and she's corosing mine. Stupid dad leaving and having a kid and messing us all. She talks about the kid and the started drinking since it was born. She sucks the happiness out of me. I was happy for a second because uncle invited me and sis to cousins baptism and she got "im not invited, im nobody, im not in the family, the new wife and kid will probably be there" and then i tried to be happy again about buying new clothes and she started "im so devastated I can't buy you new clothes but as you know in a family there's two parents who work, im alone". I said "screw it, i will go in my underwear" when i wanted to say "you suck every droplet of happiness of my dead body and then get mad at me for showing emotions, you old harpy with 5yo tantrums and smelling like an old man going out of a pub, go fuck yourself ". She went to the toilet (because so much liquid) and i covered my head in a bedsheet and cursed and she started "what have I done" bitch the world doesn't revolve around you. I can't have emotions because she feels guilt I was so close to choking her in her sleep. She's draining my soul out of from my nose with her drunk yapping.
And she's not letting me start a job and move out. She starts blackmailing me. Saying she will leave and leave me to take care of my sister