I guess i am writing this post just to relieve some stress and depression and even anger.
My sweet mother-in-law is passing away from stage 4 Colon Cancer thats very aggressive - we had just found out last month, so did she. and now the doctors cant do anything for her and she only has a few days left to live. this is killing my husband. she was both his mother and his father, as his father had another entire family on the side when he was very young - without them knowing.
thinking we had more time - we thought we were going to be able to prepare financially and mentally. boy, were we wrong. i had lost my job on the day i went back to work from my emergency surgery (removing a mass on my pancreas) and havent been able to find work since. thus our savings has depleted to nothing and hes been the one covering all expenses for us and our now 5 year old son and my own mother who got kicked out of her own home by her sister. this has been the worst year of all of our lives - even resulted in me creating a Go Fund Me Campaign - which my entire family has not contributed one cent because i should be ashamed for asking for help and should be embarrassed mentality. i have family members who dont even contact us anymore because i created one - if they really knew me they would know that i am not the one to ask for help and it must be out of really desperate times that we are now asking for help - because it is.
both my mother and my husband are leaving to California tomorrow. My mother because this was a paid for trip from her dear friend who is throwing a baby shower for her daughters surrogate, so she wanted her best friend to be by her side - i get that, this ticket for her was bought way before we knew his mother was ill, but now we are left with no one helping or offering to watch over our big dog, so that leaves me and our son left behind to watch the dog, while my husband goes to say goodbye to his mother.
i feel horrible that i cant be by his side, event though he wishes i could be, he says he cant do this alone and it kills me. also its killing her even more that she cant say goodbye to her only and first grandson, which was her dying wish. i am crying just typing it and the reality of it. why does this happen to us, why must we die so horribly now in days. i dont want to die alone or not be able to see someone one last time as a wish because someone doesnt want to help other people in need! ive fallen in such a depression that my child asks if i am okay today, i have to fake a smile and say yes. i hate this. i am even starting to resent my dog because hes the reason we cant leave, poor dog, he has no idea whats going on and i would never harm him or leave him at a shelter, he would be put down, hes an Olde Engrish bulldogg that looks like a pit bull to these ill-educated people here.
i dont know what to do, but let things run its course and let it eat me later...
If anyone can help her Gofundme is: gofundme.com/9sh6w-help-the...
thank you so much - please if you cant donate, please share a comment or a prayer - thank you so very much - God Bless you all and thank you so very much