This is one of my favourite places in the world, and I have done quite a bit of traveling in my time. The humid moist greener than green rain forests of Sri Lanka with their red, blue and chocolate coloured indigenous magpies flitting through the branches, the colourful awe inspiring temples of India and the stunning torquoise seas of the Mediterranean with their ancient ochre coloured villages perched on rocky pinnacles take some beating, but my heart is in North Wales. The grey turrets of twelfth century castles over look swirling tidal estuaries and waterfalls cascade down impossibly beautiful wooded valleys while the mist clings to the tops of purple heather covered mountains.
It was a place I was taken to as a child by steam train so many years ago and it seemed so exciting and foreign, it even had road signs in a different language!
I am grateful to my parents for introducing me to this little bit of Britain which is so special to me now and to which I will forever return. I can feel their presence with me whenever I go there so it is a way to be closer to them. I have lost them both and the years creep on and I get older too. I'm in it for the ride and know that I will have to get off eventually but not before I have had my fill. Anything now is a bonus.