Its been HELL for me. I've been so stressed about school and my anxiety has gone through the damn universe by now. I have been worrying about everything, more of my brother and my future. I don't know if I ranted about my ATC practice test the last time but that has brought me down so bad. I feel like I did awful on that and that I will fail my dreams I have. I feel like I will fail to be a Children Cancer Doctor, I will fail being in the Air Force, I'll fail my brother and my father. I feel like I fail a being a person in general. I've been so close to a break down so many times this week and last week and everything has been setting me off the edge. I try so hard to look to the positive side of everything but its so hard when there is no one there for you. Know one else here understands what I am going through and I really don't have any friends here to try to help me through it. I'm just alone. I even tried to talk to my dad about it, but it seems like he don't care. He doesn't understand anything I try to tell him. He says 'You need to quit worrying about everything' or 'Its just a teenage phase' And I can't talk to anyone else about it cause they will cuss at me for feeling like that or look down on me, or they just don't understand. I've been so close to giving up, so close, but I keep going, but everyday it is getting harder. I don't know how much more I can handle, I really don't. I've tried to get my dad to get me a punching bag, like the sand ones that are super heavy, so I can get all this pent up anger and stress out, but he still hasn't. All in honest, I feel like my family hates me, I know they probably don't but I feel like they do, and I could understand if they do. I hate myself so much. I've tried to love myself, but I just don't. I don't see anything to love. I just want to be 18 already in the military so I am financially good. Then I want to already be 28 with a baby. That's all I want right now is a child that is mine to love and take care of. But that won't happen... I'm only 16 going to high school and living in hell with know one to talk to. I have no love life (And I mean a boyfriend who would be there for me and would love me as me) and maybe no future if I am such a failure....
If you did read this, I'm sorry, I just needed to rant and get it all out. Thank you for reading it tho.