Ever had 24/7 physical symptoms of an... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Ever had 24/7 physical symptoms of anxiety?

Momwhocooks profile image
38 Replies

Is there anyone else out there who has or had physical symptoms of anxiety all day everyday? I’m on Zoloft and seen/am seeing multiple doctors, still haven’t found an available therapist who is familiar with this. For over a month now I’ve woken up nauseous, a little shaky, heart pounding, shortness of breath, cold sweat, tingling... and it persists throughout the day at various levels of intensity. Doctors have ruled out other medical causes, which is sometimes hard to believe bc of the ever-present nature of the physical feelings. I’ve taken Ativan at times when it’s severe, and wonder how that affects me after it wears off, though it works well at the time of need. I’m not consciously worried all the time, but since a couple “attacks “ of severe symptoms a month ago, my body hasn’t felt at all “normal “. Can anyone relate, past or present?

Thanks so much for any response!

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Momwhocooks profile image
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38 Replies
danny631 profile image

Yes I've experienced that. At one point I couldn't leave the house. Had that same thing for weeks at a time. I learned to keep myself busy until physically and mentally exhausted and it will get better

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply todanny631

Thank you, I am doing long, hilly walks every day, and it seems to help. I’m sorry you went through that, but I’m glad to know I’m not alone. I went to the ER multiple times because I thought I was having a heart attack.

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply todanny631

Did it just go away, or did you use therapy or medication as well?

Mary2000 profile image

My doctor prescribed me at ativan years ago. The last year I have used klonopin which is similar. Those are only supposed to be used as needed. I was having to use klonopin 2x a day. Now I am using seroquel... 5mg a few times a day. It makes me feel like I'm my old self and I can leave the house

in reply toMary2000

How would you say that seroquel helps you? I have extreme anxiety and depression after having experienced a trauma. Sertraline is not helping me. I am struggling to even get out of bed in the morning...yet I barely sleep.

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply toMary2000

Thanks, I have never heard of seroquel. Did you have symptoms like mine? (I’m guessing yes bc you replied to my post!) I only take Ativan as needed, which I’ve determined for myself means things are so severe I’ll have go to the ER if I don’t take it. Still, it doesn’t seem like my current medication is working— 75mg Zoloft/day and Ativan as needed (Dr only prescribed 15 1mg pills total)

Mary2000 profile image
Mary2000 in reply toMomwhocooks

Yes, I have symptoms like yours. Diagnosed with generalized anxiety and take lexapro. Zoloft didn't work for me and increased my anxiety. I have been surprised with seroquel. Lexapro is used to treat anxiety and it shows that one med alone doesn't relieve everything enough.

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply toMary2000

Thank you for taking the time to respond again, I truly appreciate it.

TrustnGod profile image

Hello momwhocooks. All. The. Time. My symptoms only go away when I sleep and even then I’ll sometimes wake up with palpitations, nausea, body aches, the whole nine yards. It’s extremely annoying but I’ve been checked inside and out and everything is always fine. Anxiety is so annoying to have.


Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply toTrustnGod

I am so sorry. Does therapy or anything else help you? How long have you had this? I started doing 50 jumping jacks every time I feel the symptoms getting worse, and it seems to help right after. I keep thinking I found a solution— exercise, etc,.. but then I wake up the same way. I’ve lost 11 pounds from appetite loss/nausea. Glad I could afford to lose weight.

TrustnGod profile image
TrustnGod in reply toMomwhocooks

I began therapy which has really helped. Honestly I have so much to work through from my childhood and teen years and so going to therapy makes me even more anxious and upset sometimes because we have to talk about that stuff but I don’t want to. My therapist has helped me come to terms with a lot of my fears though. I use prayer and reliance on God now a lot and that helps too. I also take a gummy that contains l-theanine, gaba and lemon balm and that’s been beneficial too.

My anxiety began in April after I got back home from my uncles funeral. 2 days later, I had my first panic attack and it was horrible. I haven’t been myself since but I’ve had extensive testing done and the doctors have all concluded I’m healthy and it’s anxiety. I have a hard time believing it though.

It may take time before you can wake up without anxiety. It’s a whole process but if you feel like the exercising or whatever methods you’re using are working in the moment I would continue doing that.

Ugh the weight thing! Anxiety takes a TOLL on the body it’s just crazy! But your appetite will come back with time. I feel like I go through phases where I can’t handle food and then I can’t stop eating. It’s a crazy crazy thing anxiety is.


Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply toTrustnGod

Thank you Lia, it’s amazing to connect with someone who’s gone through a very similar experience. Thank you for sharing, and for responding. It’s extraordinarily comforting, even though I wouldn’t wish this on anyone! I wish us all peace inside and out.

Junella profile image
Junella in reply toMomwhocooks

For two years I have awakened anxious and just feeling awful--afraid to to get up, I lay there and ruminated about what was wrong with me. (This came after a traumatic summer and hypertension emergency.) It started when I lost my precious cat of 14 years. Then came two other losses that summer of an in-law and friend. It took time and I still have difficulty getting right up but not anxious or very little.

My problems became recognizable from age of 3 being afraid of many things; then got over that until teens when it returned. It's been off and on but mostly have had a good life and career.

Panic attacks in 20s went away when it was discovered I was hypothyroid and never returned. A mostly life-long belief system in a God of love who could be communicated with has been my greatest asset or I would have been much worse.

What I attribute my recent improvement to: I found a primary care doctor (a psychiatrist made me worse with wrong Rx that caused hypertension emergency--I don't trust her and wouldn't go back. )

My new doctor emphasizes natural therapy of exercise at least 30 mins a day or 6000 steps and to stop laying and sitting so much; a better diet--I chose vegan with supplements. I still have difficulty getting the right amount of sleep but doing better. I use a C-Pap regularly. I practice deep breathing with Respirate for BP. I keep a prayer journal and use music. I have to be careful what I see on TV because it is like feeding the mind the wrong kind of food (violence, depressing films, news). I like nature and scenery. I find myself very upset by the hypocrisy of the political news and remunerate on it too much.

I hope my experience helps. (I am a senior, so probably older than you.)

Tealribbon profile image

Yes! Yes! And yes!!!! I get so frustrated because I do all the "right" things but I always feel like jumping out of my skin. Except when I'm sleeping, but like you, when I wake it comes back with full vengeance. I know I must press through, but it's exhausting. I'm not worried or obsessing about anything. It's like the "adrenaline valve" is wide open.

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply toTealribbon

Exactly! I know I have stuff to work out emotionally, as do we all, but the adrenaline valve that won’t close is exactly how I describe it. I’m exploring qigong, acupuncture, a lot of cardio, dietary changes and meditation in addition to a change of medication. At some point I thought maybe it was pre-menopausal hormone changes, but I’m 41 and my doctor ruled it out. Let’s keep hope alive that we will turn off the valve!

majormedfan profile image

I know exactly what you mean. I have to take Ambien with GABA, Melatonin and Valerian Root and I still can't sleep because of anxiety. I've been diagnosed with GAD and it's a horrible existence. There is no way to turn it off and no understanding from anyone in my immediate family. I do appreciate you sharing here. It gives me some idea of a direction to take. My biggest fear is telling a doctor (GP) or anyone because those nearest to me take anything different as a sign of weakness and try to take over my life as though I am broken.

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply tomajormedfan

If you have a doctor who you like and who knows you, they will take it seriously and try to help. A good GP will support you. If you cannot share what’s happening with your family, all the more reason to tell a professional. I feel like fear is in the driver’s seat, and what we really need is to move it to the back. Good luck in your journey, wishing you the peace you deserve.

guynfl2chat profile image

I have had days where it bothers me all day. However , I take xanax as needed. I am not sure where you are located, but I am a firm believer in xanax on an as needed basis. Anxiety lives in the fear and response. I find that the xanax quiets the response and lets me relax. It allows my body to recover from the anxiety. I then stop taking the xanax and my mind/body feels better. I look at it sort of like taking a Tylenol for pain. My doctor is supportive but I know not all Drs support the use of xanax. I think you should look into relieving the symptoms and possibly a long term SSRI. Everyone is different, you have to find what works for you. I just am thankful that I have these pills when I need them.

Plato38 profile image

How long have you been on zoloft? The first couple weeks on an SSRI can make the symptoms worse before it gets better. I was going through all day anxiety as well. Woke up every single morning with anxiety and throughout the night. I had to finally go to an urgent care for mental health so that I could get help and streamlined into seeing a Psychiatrist. They put me on Remeron and switched me from lexapro to zoloft and it's like night and day. I still have anxiety but it's more situational and not all day anymore. Maybe you should be on a second medication as well other than ativan to help as an "assist".

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply toPlato38

I’ve been on 75mg of Zoloft for a week, 50mg for the previous 2 weeks, and 25mg for six months before that. The dosage was just adjusted by my new psychiatric nurse as a result of severe panic attacks. My first panic attack two years ago was a reaction to lexapro, as determined by a toxicologist, so I definitely will steer clear of that one. It’s hard to know

Plato38 profile image
Plato38 in reply toMomwhocooks

Ya, it sounds like you are still adjusting to the zoloft. Every time it's increased, you reset the adjustment period. How did the toxicologist know? That's interesting.

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply toPlato38

To answer your question, I think the toxicologist just knew the possible side effects of lexapro, and it was the only explanation since all my vitals were fine. The part that no doctor seemed to understand was that it didn’t just wear off after a day— they said “it’ll be out of your system” in a day. But even after the drug wore off, it seemed to have opened a gateway of hormones that then continued to fire off for days, weeks, and now over a month. The flood gates opened, and it became a hair trigger.

I believe you were right about the Zoloft, I now seem to be adjusted to it, and feel much better during the day. It’s only around 2am that I wake up with heart pounding, maybe because it wore off?

Obviously I have more work to do than just taking drugs, it’s just sometimes still hard to believe that my physical body is this screwed up because of worries/stress! Coming to accept it though.

Plato38 profile image
Plato38 in reply toMomwhocooks

It took time for me to not wake up with anxiety throughout the night. It took a lot of self talk of just reminding myself that it's just a feeling. Eventually it got less frequent. I also started to notice I was startling myself awake by snoring. I downloaded snorelabs. And I heard myself snore like a train. Have you tried meditation? I also learned a lot by listening to videos by Dr. Joe Dispenza. You can find him on youtube. And also dr. Daniel Amen. Are good ones. They changed my outlook completely. There is a good one on both of them on a youtube show called the Impact Theory.

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply toPlato38

Thank you

Breathe32 profile image

I am experiencing symptoms every day. It has shifted over the past few months but there is always something. It’s hard to remind myself that it’s only anxiety when I feel these unpleasant physical symptoms. Nausea, tingling, twitching, the whole nine yards. This is new to me. It’s hard to understand that there is no other medical concern.

Kimmy42 profile image

I am going through this right now too and it is horrible! I’m on a new medication and waiting for it to kick it and help cause it has been extremely hard. It really helps being on here and knowing you’re not alone, I am going to see a therapist next week and am very excited to get help.

I am so sorry you are going through this. Not having a good morning, I woke up shaking, hard pounding, and numbness, now trying to just breath it out. Hang in there!

Hisue profile image

Yes, I had anxiety issues on and off since adolescence; sudden onset severe RA has turned it on 24/7. Skin has pins & needles sensation all day & night. Awful.

I have constant nausea and digestive issues (i.e. constipation, early satiety, loss of appetite, etc). Sometimes I’ll get heart palpitations, shake and cold sweats with a full blown panic attack (normally happens when the nausea is super intense). I have a big fear of nausea/vomit. CBT has helped to some extent but I’m still symptomatic constantly. I’ve tried many anti depressants but I’m just too sensitive to them.

You’re not alone. I just try to do the best I can and get around every day. I’m unable to work so I do work from home and try to stay busy. I’m spiritual so I know I’m

Healed of this sickness, just have to be patient!

mbrownin profile image

Looking back I have had anxiety my whole life I guess because of a traumatic childhood. As a child I had phobias and always had a nervous stomach when stressed or frightened. As a young adult I started really having digestive issues and was diagnosed with GERD and Gastritis and then Irritable bowel syndrome after a particularly bad bout of Gastritis. After I had my two children really close together my stress levels increased and I started having depression and the anxiety really started. Since 2014 I have been having recurrent bouts of Gastritis with IBS and each bout leaves me with terrible anxiety escalating to panic attacks. I have had insomnia to the point that nothing worked, neither OTC nor prescription meds. Only faith in God and listening to music at bedtime helped with it. I have rushed to the ER and been hospitalised because of this and all tests came back good and I was told I am depressed. When these bouts of IBS occur I have physical symptoms all day, every day - I lose a lot of weight because everything seems to upset my stomach and I my diet becomes very limited. I have heart palpitations, sinus tachycardia, rapid pulse, dizziness, chills, cold sweats, tingling, headaches and terrible stomachaches, nausea, loss of apetite, compulsive eating, excessive belching, diarrhea and constipation. The worse feeling is of pins and needles in my stomach and depersonalization and derealization. I have been to doctors, Psychiatrists, a Neurologist and was prescribed Lexotan on an as needed basis and this helped. Then they tried Prozac but that made the anxiety worse because I had gotten over the insomnia but it came back once I took the Prozac so I stopped. My current Gastroenterologist prescribed Rivotril (anti-anxiety/anti-convulsant) with Dogmatil (anti-psychotic/off label anti-anxiety) and this is the only thing that seemed to help and once I took it at bedtime I had no panic attacks where as I had to take the Lexotan when I felt the panic attacks coming on and since I was having them every morning he decided to prescribe something to prevent them. He didn't prescribe Zoloft and I think it's because one of the side-effects is stomach upset and this already was my major problem.

But I don't want to become dependent on meds. so I always reject taking meds. continuously and try my best to exist without them until the episodes pass and they usually take a long time to do so, one time it took about 2 years for me to begin to feel better and to start back working.

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply tombrownin

Thank you for sharing. Yes, Zoloft has given me stomach issues and I hope I’m not on it forever. I also hope to get to a point where I’m off meds and can use more natural methods.

Like you, the severity of my symptoms started after I had kids. My children are now 3 and 5, so still very needy, and I worry about them and myself all the time.

I made a list of all the different things that help me when I’m symptomatic, because in the moments of “attacks “ it’s hard to remember.

guynfl2chat profile image
guynfl2chat in reply toMomwhocooks

Zoloft can take 4-6 weeks to work. It can have side effects so log them as you feel it.

UFC80 profile image

Yes! You described me. I get my severe symptoms exactly. The doctors say tests are normal, and its just

Anxiety/Depression. I also have the same thoughts that the continuous pains cant be related,but with tests coming back fine, what else can i do but believe the Docs. I noticed that im just a very stressed anxious depressed individual, and i hold my issues inside. I'm guessing that the pains are possibly co-occuring at once. Subconscious things bothering me, (that can also produce immediate pains),and the present issues with anxiety and Depression. People like this just suffer double! I try ro rely on Therapy, Group Support and being Mindfull of my Conditions.

Mike7777 profile image

I can relate, and ive tried two different anti depressants and they did not work for me. Ativan works. But i have physical symptoms that im getting tests done for. Hope you feel better.

Kimmy42 profile image

It feels like I’m writing this!! It is how I feel and what I’m going through!! I feel crazy inside, it feels so horrible but OMG I’m not alone! I just am thankful I found this! To talk to people who get it!!!!!

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply toKimmy42

Yes, I’m very grateful for this site, it helps a lot. At the same time, it’s crazy that so many people have this type of physical reaction from the stress of life! Keep up hope— I feel a lot better now, with the help of doctors and just coming to terms with what is actually causing my anxiety. I take 100mg of Zoloft everyday, and it’s really working, though it took weeks to adjust to the dosage. Be kind to yourself, drink calming teas, exercise (this one REALLY helped me! I would do 50 jumping jacks whenever symptoms got bad, and went on brisk walks every day)... Go on disability if you have to, put your health first. My doctor suggested this when she saw that I clearly couldn’t handle anything, but I had no way to afford the help I needed without financial assistance and a break from working. I don’t wish this on anyone, but I am glad we know we’re not the only ones, and you will be okay!

I hope you find relief soon!

destinymichelle profile image

Hey, I know exactly how you’re feeling. How are you doing now?

Momwhocooks profile image
Momwhocooks in reply todestinymichelle

This was so long ago, but thanks for trying to follow up! FYI the right dose of sertraline has really helped. I haven’t had physical anxiety symptoms since adjusting to 100 mg/day. Ultimately, I have a lot of work to do so that I don’t need medication, but in the mean time, it has saved me! It’s hard to believe I went through all that just a few months ago.

Minnie87 profile image


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