How much value do all of you put on dreams/nightmares?
Question: How much value do all of you... - Anxiety and Depre...

It is your subconscious trying to work out all that has gone on in your day, or what you have been reading or watching ! thats what dreams are for !!!!
I used to work at our local town beach up here in northern ny, Canada is right there. So I used to help put the swimming ropes up in May (this may be too much info but I can’t promise my parents any grandchildren) anyways! Inside the swimming ropes I think is our conscious and everything else is our subconscious. It’s deep, dark, things you didn’t know exist live down there. Sometimes things float up and some things are lost forever. Some are found and lost again.
To be honest I don't put much store by it but I do find dream interpretations fascinating. I do know that when you dream it is the minds way of processing information which is only available to our subconscious, so can only be done this way.
Also some meds can cause disturbing dreams. I am on sertraline and these do. x
Thank you for the dump truck, doubt you’ll help me with parking but it’s the thought. I remember most of my dreams and I just wonder how responsible I am for feeling this way. I walk around with these feelings that are real to me. That’s not always fair to other people but....idk.
I’m being silly you dirty little peach eater. I’m just always looking at EVERY angle and point of view, that’s the only way to be an intelligent thinking person. That’s one thing I miss about college is access to a broad spectrum of opinions/ideas/etc
What a relief; thought I was a depressive with anxiety and headaches......turns out I’m bob the builder.
I have dreams about being a serial killer like Charles Manson ....think maybe I need different meds
No I think you're on the right ones...Are you able to handle dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy and hugs?

What about the dreams though when the hugs wear off
Oh just let me supply is endless...for you and anyone else that wants them!
Yepper doodles more dump trucks filled with love, peace, light, joy and hugs for you!

Thanks that’s comforting....I had a dream once that I was Kermit the frog
I’m somewhat overwhelmed here; I could deal with say a fanny pack of groovy love so I’m still recovering. My thoughts about it lately are my subconscious knows what/who/when mattered more than me, or waking me. And I can’t/won’t admit certain things which is everybody that’s not special. We lie best when we lie to ourselves, but when I wake up and I’m just ultra sad or lost in thought or distracted am I to blame?
Have you read "Interpretation of dreams" by Sigmund Freud, the father of modern psychoanalysis, published in 1899? No neither have I but it was supposed to be the bee's knees in psychiatric circles and still is.
I dream quite regularly but nothing I dream has ever had any relevance to my waking life whatsoever. Most dreams I'm back doing the job I liked and worked at for 40 years and I keep losing my car in them.
Now there may be some dreams that have other worldly connections, you know, a message from someone who cares in the place that exists the other side of the curtain. I'm prepared to believe that though it's never happened to me. Yet. But other than that I think dreams are made up of random thoughts and visions floating around in our deep unconscious and bumping into each other.
Of course, it's easy to do a bit of post rationalisation and read things into dreams. Like me keep losing my car, I could make out it reflects a deep seated fear to lose my driving licence through failing eyesight as I get older.
But frankly, I think it's a load of bo***cks. But then I think most modern psychiatry is too though I could be wrong.
I presume you experience anxiety or depression in some form or you wouldn't be here. So I have a radical suggestion to make. Maybe stop concentrating on the 8ish hours a day that you're asleep and dreaming and turn your attention to the 16 hours a day when you're wide awake.
That's the time of day during which to reclaim your peace of mind.
I read maybe 1/3 to appear smarter than I was in high school. Read the whole thing in my spare time.
I believe they are past memories
Your dreams reflect your daily experiences. I don't find much meaning to the content of my dreams. They seem to be a jumble of what I've done that day. I concur with Jeff1943. Our peace of mind lies in fixing the ways in which we respond to our conscious thoughts and feelings.