what’s something that you want in your next partner or something that you love most about your partner if you have one?
♥️ question: what’s something that you... - Anxiety and Depre...
♥️ question

He will listen to my problems without judging me
he isn't scared off by my craziness
I love my Husband just because he is who he is. Loving, caring and thoughtful. He knows when I hurt so much, even though I lose my temper when the pain is so bad.
He gives me space when I need it and he listens to me when I go off on one..I can't say just one thing that I love about him because I love everything about him.
We've been married for 56 years and I Love him now as much as the day that we got married. He's my Husband, my Lover, my Best Friend, and now he's my Carer as well. He's my Everything.
WOW! Congratulations on 56 years
Wow beautiful... I'm so happy for the both of ...becoming a long lost breed staying married...sad to me....I'm on 39 years and he's the love of my life...
keep on with the loving, only way to be!
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Gjkas!

Oh Thankyou Peachylisa..
Im so glad that you've got Love in your life as well, especially as he is the Love of your Life. You're joining our breed as well..39 years is Great going.
Will keep on with the Loving and caring for each other..
Sending you both, Love ,peace and plenty of Hugs for a lotta, lotta,
years to come. XX.
Oh no thank you Gjkas...I don't know many in a long LOVING marriage...so when I hear of one..well it sends me over the edge...
Keep on loving..nothing better than that in life.... it will end when our last breath leaves..we're in it to win it...like the both of you!
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Gjkas!
The next time, if there is a next time..... the exact opposite.
There won't be a next time for us, because well be together always and forever. ❤
But there could be a next time for you.
Waiting just around the corner .
Then you won't be ALL_alone..
You can find Love again. 😊
True! One never knows what the future holds...
You're right, we never know whats around the corner. Sometimes it's better not to know..
Up until 9 years ago I was a right nutter, so to speak. I was involved with so many different types of hobbies. I made Wedding Cakes, Did a lot of dressmaking. If anyone dared me to do anything, i usually did it. Then i got involved with Gardening, which I loved the most.
I won a few competitions, then eventually went around with some of the Judges. Went to DUMFRIEC in Scotland. To do with Britain in BLOOM. Then when the Screen opened up and the Picture of the 1st garden was shown It was mine.
I couldn't believe it . I shouted out,
( Oh ,Shit that's my Garden ).
Thankfully everyone laughed.
But after that things started to go downhill as far as my health was concerned.
I was taken into hospital in the January and didn't come back home until the end of March.
You try and enjoy life, the best you can, because like you said..
We never know whats around the corner. HEY, you never know who you're gonna meet either.
Have a Lovely Christmas 🤶🎅 and hope you have a real good NEW YEAR.🤞😊 Gjkas
I have enjoyed reading all your post here. Your comment about your garden was hilarious and sounds like something I would shout out. Your positively is great. Merry Christmas and happy new year!!
Very Caring and helps me through my anxiety attacks on daily basis. I feel bad though and often wonder if would be better without me. Sometimes I feel like a mess. Anyways he says I give back to him also.
My husband is my rock. Patient and kind and loving, my best friend, my everything.
Sounds like youve got a good one there.
Your best Friend, kind and loving,
Your Everything . Just as it should be .
Life is not always easy We all know that. . But to Love and to be loved right back is just about the easiest thing in the World to do .As long as we have the
That he's my best friend & soulmate... he cherishes me, as all men should do with their women and I just adore him... 39 years and still in love...we've got a groovy kind of love, he's actually had my heart since 16 and I'm 61..so it's been more than a hot minute, ha!
What about you...what is it you deserve and want in yours?
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs torpe!

Ooh Peachylisa, i was just reading over what you wrote , you've got a Groovy Kind of Love. OOOOOH it took me back to the 60s..
Wayne Fontana & The Mindbenders.
Recorded A Groovy Kind of Love.
One of our Favourite's.
Here Goes.
When I'm feeling blue, all I have to do,
is take a look at you, then I'm not so blue.
When you're close to me,
I can feel your heartbeat,
I can hear you breathing near my ear.
Wouldn't you agree,Baby you and me
got a Groovy Kind of Love.
We got a Groovy Kind of Love.
Anytime you want to,
You can turn me onto
anything you want to. Anything at all.
When I Kiss your lips,
OOOH I start to shiver,
Can't control the quivering inside.
Wouldn't you agree, Baby you and me
Got a Groovy Kind of Love.
We got a Groovy Kind of Love.
When I'm in your arms,
Nothing seems to matter,
My Whole World could shatter,
I don't Care.
Wouldn't you agree, Baby you and me
Got a Groovy Kind of Love. ❣
We got a Groovy Kind of Love...❣
PHEW. I just had to write that.
Love, Love , Love it. ❤
Wishing you Groovy Love & Hugs xx
Has anyone ever told you how fantastic you are? Well if not I'm telling you now...how very kind of you to take the time to type that out..it's one of many of our theme songs, also Phil Collins I think may be one of my all time favorites, followed him for years, he sang Groovy Kind of Love too!... The top song for us is - Solid by Ashford & Simpson, that's what our love is..Solid as a rock!
It's been just loverly chatting on here with you today and getting to know you a tad, I'd love to stay in touch with you!
For you & your love ~ Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Gjkas!

Thankyou for being so kind. 🌹
Yes , you're right Phil Collins did sing a Groovy Kind of Love as well as Wayne Fontana.
We build it up, we build it up,we build it up.
And now it's Solid,
Solid as a rock.
Great song, Youve got real good taste in music.
Just like marriage really. We build it up until it's Solid..Solid as a Rock.
Youll probably laugh at this,
But my Favourite Singer is ELVIS.
OOOOOOH He's my Idol.
I broke my heart when he died.
I came out in a terrible nerve rash just after i heard that he'd died.
I was going in hospital for a hysterectomy and when my Gynaecologist saw me he said,
( Oh ,are you that nervous about the operation ) I just burst out crying and said ( No,not about the operation. But ELVIS have died )
ELVIS died in the August and I had to go in hospital September 3rd.
Oh, Crikey I was a right mess.
In May 2005 i wanted my Husband to go to Memphis with me. But we went to Florida 10 months earlier and the flight made him ill. He said he'd never do another long flight again. He hates flying anyway.
Well anyway, i was on the bus going to Town and I met an old Friend of mine. She had lost her Husband 4 years earlier and she said that she would love to go away from it all for a while. So I thought Aha,, and I asked her if she'd like to come to Memphis with me. She jumped at the idea. So my 1st stop when I got off the bus was the Travel Agents.
When I got back home I said to my Husband ( Oh well, im going to Memphis )HAHAHA .You should have seen his face. I told him, Well I did ask you, but you don't like flying. and you did say that it would be more like a Pilgrimage than a holiday. Well he couldn't say anything really.
Well he could i suppose. But he didn't. Well my Friend and I booked up where and when we wanted to go. AND OFF WE WENT.
Well we mustn't let them rule the rouste .I always win anyway.
It was absolutely brilliant, we enjoyed every minute of it. We even went on the plane that he named Lisa Marie. We went down the Mississippi into New Orleans. You name it, we did it. When we got home we were absolutely hanging.
But it was worth it.!!.
Im gonna have to finish this for now, ive taken my sleeping tablets and I'm seeing double.
Well im back Hope you didn't mind me telling you my little, ( LONG )
story Ive really enjoyed chatting with you as well. Id like to stay in touch with you .
You tell me if I'm boring you mind...
I tend to get carried away sometimes...
❤ sending you Hugs & Groovy love..x Gjkas.
Just like marriage, we build it .That's how it stays strong
Okay I loved reading this reply....nothing but positive, you are all about the positive, right? So am I...it breeds more positive for you...
There was not one boring thing I read my dear one!
So Elvis tripped your trigger, sounds like it was one of a great lifetime moments for you, that's fabulous!Okay I'll admit who I sobbed over...yep M.J., my age grew up with him..I know all about the controversy with him...just don't want to believe it...he was such a talented man...I still miss him....I did the same over Princess Diana...man did I love her...
Whatcha think about starting to pm each other? Sounds like a grand idea to me...
Yep let's keep building it up, up up! It's Solid!
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Gjkas!

Sounds Great yeah,
We can PM each other ,it'll be good to have a chat..
I was gutted over M.J. I don't believe half of what they are saying about him anyway. He didn't have a normal childhood. When he was a man he was more like a shy child.
OOOOOÒH I could go over the top about him as well. What a dancer,,Oh my God, never seen anyone move like that before.
I feel so sorry for him. What a waste.
And Princess Diana, yes i adored her. I can remember queuing in JOHN FROST SQUARE with my Daughter in law waiting to put a little quote in the Book of Remembrance for her.
I hate Charles for how he treated her .He even cheated on her on their Wedding Night ( THE PIG 🐷 )
If ever Horseface Camilla becomes Queen, and her and Charles decides
to visit where i live. The only type of
wave they'll get from me will be 2 Fingers✌ up in the air .
The only time Princess Diana was happy i think was when she had William and Harry. Then when she met Dodi. All she wanted was a Man that she could love and who would Love❣ her. She found that Love in Dodi. OOOh
Groovy Love and Hugs Peachy. x.
You're fantastic!
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Gjkas!

Oh Peachy, I don't know about being fantastic, ( Although it's nice to be called it ).I just speak how i feel. I get myself into hot water sometimes, because of it.
I have to tell you this, but you might know about it anyway.
One of the Biographers of the Royal Family was being interviewed.
And he said that ,he was in the room with the Queen when the news of Princess Diana and Dodi Fayed came through about them both being killed in a car crash .
And the only comment the Queen made was,( Oh well, somebody must have greased their brakes, ).
Well to me that says it all.
Then on the TV, the Fireman that was 1st on the scene of the crash said that when the news broke out of the Death of Princess Diana,
he said that he couldn't believe it,because she was conscious and talking to him. She asked him what happened. At that point he broke down and couldn't talk about it anymore.
Then when they were taking Princess Diana to hospital.
Why did the Ambulance stop when they were only a few minutes from the hospital.???
So many unanswered questions,
It makes my Blood Boil.
I know you can have internal injuries and still seem to be okay.
But there's too many, IF ,ANDS,and BUTS. for my liking.
I think this is why PRINCE HARRY is suffering from Anxiety and depression. He knows that something is not right about the Death of His Mum. But he's stuck in a rut. What can he do about it ???.
I had better get off this subject. I think i might have said enough.
Well for now anyway..
Groovy Love & Hugs my Friend.
You sound like me..when I feel strongly about something..well you are going to hear me loud & clear...
I can just tell that we will get along great...I love you already....
Ain't No Mountain High Enough my friend!
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs!

Marvin Gaye.
Ain't no mountain high enough.
Ain't no valley low enough.
Ain't no River wide enough.
To keep me from getting to you Babe . Yeah! Gotcha !.
Yep, we are gonna get along just Great. I Love you already as well my Friend.
Oh, when I feel strongly about something, I sometimes don't know when to stop.
I've got myself into a pickle very often because of my views on things. But that's just how I am.
My Husband cringes sometimes because of what I comes out with.
I came off one site on the internet a few months ago because of my views of and about the Royal Family. HUH.
Everyone is entitled to their own opinion...
Oh,Oh, gotta go. VISITORS.
Nice ones though..
My Son & his Wife.
Groovy Love & Hugs my Friend.
You just may be my twin!
Good visitors...the only kind we take! Enjoy your son & his wife...make sure you all have a good belly laugh...
Did you get my pm? I did it this morning?
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Gjkas!

Yeah, enjoyed our Son visiting yesterday. He's the middle Son,the quietist of the 3 of them. But I love them all equally.
You know, i might sound like a miserable old bugger, but I can't wait for Christmas to be over.
I used to Love it, but not anymore.
I'm in so much pain and depressed at the moment, all I'm doing is crying.
It was my Dad's Memoriam on DECEMBER 10th, my Mum passed away DECEMBER 31ST, New Year's Eve and it was her Birthday on DECEMBER 26TH and my Brother passed away in the January, but not in the same year. He was only 24 years old.
I put the music channel on and Westlife had just started singing
Seasons in the Sun.
And the part where they sang
Goodbye Papa it's hard to die, When all the birds are singing in the Sky.
That done it altogether. It's a sad song, plus i really feel like cap today.
It's a combination of things i suppose. Im going for a Pre Assessment Appointment on Wednesday, have to meet with the Anaesthetist because I'm a high risk for a General Anaesthetic.
Need to have Abdominal Surgery which can only be done under a General Anaesthetic. OH,I dunno..
Sorry to be a pain in the Butt today.
I'm not usually this grumpy..
I'm gonna tell you a few things that's wrong with me. You'll understand why i feel like this. I've got
Chronic Fibromyalgia, Rheumatoid Arthritis, Osteoarthritis and Osteoporosis. I've already had bones taken out of both hands because of the Rheumatoid. Now they want to do a Complete Wrist Replacement, but my Pain Management Doctors have advised me against it because they said that i wouldn't stand the pain after the operation, plus it's such a complicated procedure and its not done very often. I'd already
decided against it anyway. I've got 2 Heart Valve's that aren't working properly, but they can't find a Surgeon that would do the operation anyway, because I wouldn't survive it. Got C.O.P.D,and Asthma .
Have a 16 cm Haitus Hernia, Umbilical Hernia, enlarged Liver, Blocked Bile Duct, Cyst on the Pancreas, Cysts in the Kidney and Gallstones. I haven't been out of the house for over 5 years, except for Hospital or Doctors Appointments.
I only keep these appointment because my Husband practically drags me there. Oh Bless him.
He's as good as gold. He does everything. Washing, cooking, cleaning. He's my Carer.
He's just my Everything.
Oh I've already told you that.
When I have to go in hospital the Doctors call me either their
Nightmare or Trouble..Not being nasty or anything like that. They are all brilliant with me.
I've had Depo Steroid Injection in top and bottom of my Spine. Acupuncture and so much other stuff. The one thing i wanted to try was the Hydropool, but the Cardiologist said that's a no go because the water would be too warm and my Heart wouldn't be able to function. HUH, sometimes I feel like ,Oh i don't Care.
I hope you still want to keep in touch, even though I'm a pain in the butt...
If you don't hear from me for a day or two, it's not because I don't want to, it's because I won't be able to for a little while.
Groovy Love & Hugs my lovely Friend. xx

Awwww that’s how I picture me and Jon in 50 years! We’re so corny and mushy. We still do date nights and movie nights. I love your relationship Lisa. You guys are so stinkin cute 🥰
That's so great for you both to have the special bond...makes me oh so happy for you...yes keep the date nights going...also being a little mysterious to the guy in our life adds a touch of spice!
Thank you so much Michele...I love how folks say oh you're so lucky..it has nothing to do with luck..it's putting in the love and accepting that both of your imperfections are PERFECT for the both of you...
Keep going strong the both of you will be sitting together many years from now still enjoying each others company!
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Michele!

It’s absolutely about compromise! Give and take right? You know I had an awful marriage the first time around. That’s why I’m so unbelievably happy and grateful for Jon. We’ve spent 6 years together and he’s seen me at my absolute worst and if we can get through that, we can get through anything!! Like you guys!! ❤️❤️❤️
Yes give and take...ups and downs....you'll watch your love grow stronger and stronger...it's Fabulous! I'm so so happy for you 2...sends chills up and down my spine, only in a good way...
You have a beautiful laid out in front of you...just keep walking down it...
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Michele!
I do have a partner. We have been married almost 55 years. One of his best qualities is his dependability.
Wow ,married for almost 55 years.
Join the Special Breed Club .Yes at sometime or other in our lives we all need that Special someone that we can depend on..We need each other or we wouldn't survive .You have found your Mr Right. Love to you both. 😊
Great quality to have in your man Pam...I know he's a good one!
Sparkles & dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy & hugs Pam!
Wow I wish I had that. For my next partner I’d like a mix between Tom Hanks and Justin bateman, emotionally aware ability to empathize, someone who is patient and kind. A person that has the ability to pay their own bills and be comfortable alone. Someone who likes dogs someone who can self regulate their emotions. Someone who would like to do activities or be seen in public with me. It would be nice if he could be taller but if he has half of what I’m looking for I wouldn’t care if he was in a wheelchair.

Oh what you wrote is so thoughtful and kind .I think you deserve to have everything that you've just written down..Im not sure about the bit with
Tom Hanks and Justin Batman HAHAHA.
But the rest, well why not. ???
We Love Doggies, so do our 3 Sons.
My Hubby's more in control of his emotions now Hmmm
Now that we're older. If you know what i mean. ?? Oh I'm being wicked now.. ..
Hope you meet a Partner that deserves you. Someone caring and loving. ❣
Because thats what I think you deserve to have. Be Happy and have a lovely Christmas. Who knows, you might meet a Tom Hanks lookalike in the New Year.
Yeah .😙. x Gjkas
🤩😢😇thank you for that very kind and empathetic of you. I hope you both win the lottery or have something even nicer happen to you. And you never worry about anything again.

Oh what a lovely thoughtful thing to say. I knew you had a good heart ❤when I read your last message
Now youve just proved it. Thankyou..
You know. If i had a choice of winning the Lottery or something even nicer. I would pick the Latter.
Because although we could do with the money, I would rather be rid of all this pain. Because it doesn't matter how much money you have, when you are in so much pain you can't enjoy the money anyway...
OOOH, to get rid of all this pain and never worry about it again.
Thankyou so much for your kind wishes, and you go and have your Best Christmas ever ...🤶🎅
And Fingers 🤞crossed, meet the Man of your Dreams.
Best Wishes for 2020
And Always. ❣😙 xx
thank you all for sharing with me !!! i love reading your replies ♥️
He’s the other piece of a two piece puzzle. We just fit.
My hubby is so mushy. I think that’s what I love the most. He is a huge snuggler!
Thankyou torpe ,for giving us the opportunity of sharing some of our thoughts,feelings and experiences with you .I know that I'm not the only one on here that appreciates it.
Love & Best wishes for a Wonderful CHRISTMAS 🤶🎅and all the best for the
NEW YEAR 😙 x Gjkas.
My husband and I dated for 8 years and have been married for 31 years. High school sweethearts. Besides love the two things that work for us are acceptance and letting the little things go. He accepts me for who I am good and bad and I do the same. As for the little things, there are many that drive me crazy. Not putting dirty dishes in the kitchen, insisting on certain brands of soap, toothpaste and deodarant even if I have to go to three different stores to find the right one and many others. But even though I want to scream sometimes I take a deep breath and remind myself that deodorant really isn't that important. What's important is the unconditional love I get. One more thing I love about my husband is his laugh. It's a loud belly laugh that is contageous.