Does anyone else suffer from palpitations with their anxiety?
Question?: Does anyone else suffer from... - Anxiety and Depre...

Hi Lightattheend, Palpitations were the first symptoms I had gotten with my anxiety. I will admit it was scary. It was explained to me that the higher adrenaline levels were causing my heart to beat erratically. It took time for me to accept that answer, but once I did, the palps slowed down and eventually ceased. Anxiety will always find a way to grab our attention. I'm glad you are back with us. Still a great group of people on site who can
be here to support you 24/7. I'm not in Georgia but there may be others who are. I'm from the windy city of Chicago
Welcome back my friend. You are no longer alone xx
Thank you so much ☺. I never had them when I first suffered from this when I was 17, but now I do. I too have a hard time accepting that they are caused by this because they really scare the heck out of me. I have been to so many cardiologists, phychiatrists, therapists and to the emergency room thinking I'm dying so many times I lost count. I too have to just accept it.
I did the same as you. Many doctors and ER visits. I just couldn't believe at the
time that anxiety could cause this much distress. I was so sure the medical profession
had to be missing something. It wasn't until years later after much therapy, a light
came on and I realized, everyone was right. I just wasn't ready to accept it at that time.
I mean, I was so disbelieving of the doctors that I was ready to have my tombstone read "I told you I was sick". That's how near death I always felt. Here I am 30 years later, not a palp in site. A little older, a little wiser and a lot more in control of my mind and body. Anxiety is a mind game and games are meant to win. I won. xx
Amen to that! Amen to that! Did you have them daily as I do?
Not anymore Light...once we learn to accept the symptoms as not dangerous, anxiety tends to get bored and the symptom disappears. Maybe only to bring on another one but the original palps was gone. This will happen for you as well. xx
Yes I get them a lot I got it so bad I even bought a pulse reader 😭 I’m just trying to calm myself down and telling myself that I’m ok
Yes Stephanie89. I myself brought a blood pressure monitor and I obsessively take my blood pressure and such. They're very scary.
Hey! Just a curious question. I suffer from palpitations while having anxiety as well... does your heart rate ever actually get high or is it just the feeling? My heart rate got up to 165 on a heart monitor and that really scares me cause that’s supper high😐
Yes my heart rate goes up sometimes. The palpitations gives me bad anxiety, I then panic causing my heart rate to go up.
No it's not 👎🏽