is it okay to forgive someone and want them back in your life even if they once hurt you?
question : is it okay to forgive... - Anxiety and Depre...

I guess it would depend on what happened and if it was something that happened more than once, say a pattern of it....
Forgiveness is always a good thing to do however that doesn't mean it may stay the same way between 2 people yet can be done...
Wishing you all the best with this...let me know how you make out if you choose?!
May your day sparkle..
Dump trucks of groovy love, peace, light, joy and hugs!
Only you can answer that .
Are you able to put the hurt in the past and move forward ?
I would guess that many couples have forgiven each other past hurts, stay together and move on in their life together.
It's OK to forgive . . . . . .
but you have to decide for yourself.
It’s just I don’t want to hate someone that was such a big part of my life, someone that at some time meant so much to me
No, definitely do not hate this person.
It is OK to dislike, detest or hate the bad thing they did - but still like /love the person.
So - separating the 'sin' or wrong doing from the 'sinner' / person.
It's OK to forgive and still love the person.
You can decide how you feel about whether or not you still want them in your life, but forgiveness is better than memories of hatred. Healthier too.
It takes a lot to inner strength to forgive someone. Some people are able to forgive more easily than others.
It is definitely ‘ok’ to do that. You have to decide for yourself whether that is what’s best for you. You can forgive someone but not want them in your life anymore. You can keep in contact with someone and like them as a person but not forgive the specific thing they did. It’s personal, totally.
I used to be someone who forgave everything. I find it harder now and it has made me a little bitter in some respects. My advice in that respect would be to forgive but to not allow the same things to happen again.
A friend (who I lived with at the time) started a relationship with my ex-boyfriend. It was always unclear if there was an overlap between the two relationships (ie if he actually cheated on me) Some unpleasant things followed that. I forgave them, both, at the time. Looking back, I wish I’d expressed myself more and didn’t allow myself to be walked over so much.
I’ve forgiven many. I think each case is different. I keep those people out of my heart and inner circle. A few make mistakes all humans make and although it impacts me they deserve forgiveness. Manipulation, deceit, and purposeful pain needs to be kept away.
I just don’t know what to don
Was there a purposeful wrong done to you? That speaks to the persons character. They can’t be trusted with your feelings again but you don’t have to be hateful. That speaks to your character, which is more important.
I won’t give my brother an inch. I watch him close. He doesn’t have good character but I’m not hateful.
A young girl at work got caught up in the gossip at work and learned a lesson. She came to me to apologize. I forgave her and she’s in my heart. That speaks to her character. Her character was worthy of forgiveness.
People make mistakes but what is their overall personality; not just to you. Are they worthy of the work you put into them? If not keep moving forward. Billions of people to choose from out there. Millions of lovely people to know.
If you can establish some healthy boundaries to resume the relationship I say go for it. Forgiveness is a gift you give to another and I am proud of you if you can. Sounds like you really miss the relationship and I want the best for you friend.
It depends on how they hurt you and are you/they willing to be 100% genuine with you this time...