i don’t know why but my heart has been jumping and I get like a gasp ... it’s an in general sense of fear... fear of something or of nothing it doesn’t matter but i think it’s just something that can come with stress and I try not to worry you know but I feel the next tragedy is on its way so like my life stops for some in the future thing I really is ridiculously ridiculous to focus on some maybe later type of s thing... I’m still healing. And my feelings are valid they really are and I deserve to get past this foot now and move forward from here now. Fear, go.
Fear, go: i don’t know why but my heart... - Anxiety and Depre...
Fear, go

Hello sweetie. We have been taught that the negative emotions are our enemy but they're not. They are here to tell you something very important. Make friends with every part of you. Every emotion, every organ, everything... Sit down and get out a piece of paper and speak to fear. Ask fear, 'what are you here to teach me? You should feel the fear start to dissipate as you step towards it. Look at it objectively. Breathe and allow the answer to come without chasing it. If you've built up resistance to fear then everytime you feel resistance then stop and ask, 'what am I resisting in this moment?.. You cannot move to any other question unless you have dealt with resistance first. Have tea with fear... It's not the enemy although it does feel like it. Inbox me if you wanna chat. Xxx
Brilliant wisdom thank you beautiful Magicdreamer. Lately I’ve been feeling suicidal and lately my mom who is in her later stages of Alzheimer’s has been so scary to be around with her noises delusions hallucinations agitation... so with that well I didn’t used to fear death until my brother killed himself and I’m still healing but right now that is exactly what I am fearful about ... death ... I know it’s part of life I know I need to let go and trust. I trust I’ll get there. Why does it seem so hard for me to learn and believe this stuff like that I am worthy and why don’t I ever completely forgive myself and move on? Wtf
The fear of fear. That's hard to deal with. I think part of the anxiety is the knowledge that bad things will happen. It goes hand-in-hand with life.
I always try to think about any possible problem. I try to find a way out of whatever ill may come. It doesn't work. It takes so much energy to worry.
The thing is, you are aware that anxiety is messing with you. I think that is a good thing. I hope you come through this strong and well.
Thank you so much ! I really needed to hear something positive. I’ll come through okay defiantly, I always find a way; I might not have fun along the way which I want to work on, but I always get through... shit its so exhausting by the time I get through the wave of relief seems so short well at least we are not in hell all the time. My therapist asked me if it seemed like life was a hell to escape from and it’s true. But then what if I end up going into another hell. I see the ones I love going to a good place but me I must need to forgive myself that’s what a friend thinks and I think she’s right.
You know what I think the worst has probably already happened but here I am still I just can’t let it go it was too horrific one of the worst nightmares I could have experienced and it haunts me... I’m really not trying to be a victim here this is just my deep down real shitty shit.
Hello, I think I understand you, I am dealing with deep depression and high anxiety.One thing I did when I could not get the help I needed I want to the ER and they put me onLorazapam it works so we. I also want to ask you to forgive yourself, no one needs to be judged and certainly not by ourself. Guilt is a rotten and scary feeling, that seems to come out of no where, its the amygdala in out brain miss behaving. I know for myself in the morning I am frozen with fear, so I take one of my pills, It wont last forever and I will be able to give the pills up. So I challenge you to talk to your Dr. pr- mental health worker, DO NOT SUFFER, lets work it thru to its end and boot it out the door.
You are a good brave strong woman, so claim yourself, and if you want to talk come to us here, we will do our best to help you. You Have my empathy and love sending big hugs......Sprinkle oooooo
Thanks Ive tried lorazepam and it works but my doctor won’t prescribe it. Even with them I still suffer though but then I’ll have this amazing day out of nowhere; it’s just too weird. I just will suffer. I also take cbd hemp oil to take the edge off but again I still suffer. Thanks yes let’s stay strong and brave together.
I know how you feel. I can't get past the feeling of impending doom. That
I am getting better but waiting for the other shoe to drop. Because I know it will.
One day at a time. Remember to breathe!
Thanks!!! Deep breathing and present moment. It’s hard because in this present moment I’m suffering so much. I have adrenaline cortisol or whatever rushing through and I’m trying to exercise a bit but I’m injured anyway I don’t know I’m trying and I’m feeling defeated and feels like everyone is always telling me what to do I’m tired I just want to be alone.