Hi, im here because idk what else to do i feel so tired lf having a battle in my head. One side being negative telling me im un worthy and the other telling me im okay, i feel emotionally and physically exhausted. Ive lost intreset and all the activitys i used to love. And im not even going go school. I dont have anyone i can talk to because they think its an act. There are times i wish i was gone.
Lost purpose : Hi, im here because idk... - Anxiety and Depre...
Lost purpose

Hi Pastelpurple, your not alone there are sooo many people in this world that experience what your going through. I have experienced that my whole life. It does get better. I promise
Do u have any tips with how to cope feeling this way. Because all I want to do is cry and lay down. I’m really stuck in a dark cloud, music isn’t working
Stay busy, I know it’s easier said then done! I color, or do a puzzle or draw, go for a walk. I can tell you though , that electronics stimulate the mind and cause anxiety. If I may, can I ask your age?
I used to work out a lot and became fit and my mentality was getting better I was getting better... then suddenly i got depressed once again and gained weight and no longer feel the urge to go to the gym nor meditate. And I’m 19 years old
19 is not an easy age. But your feelings are very real and the fact that your on here talking to me shows u want to be here. Have you even seen a doc about this
Not yet but I’m thinking about going to one. Idk if I should
Just stay busy... I can’t express to you enough the mind is a powerful training tool and if you want to do something you need to train your mind. Did you ever hear the expression “ pretend to be the person you want to be and soon you will be that person” OR “ fake it till you make it! Mind over matter pretend to feel better stay busy and then a month down the road you will look up and say omg! I’ve been doing it! Only you and you only can control your mind! Trust me I’m 50 yrs old and I have been dealing with that my whole life! My daughter is 19 now and she struggles with the same issues but these things help her. She refuses to take meds.
As Bee said, hopefully it helps to know these are common feelings, unfortunately :/
Staying busy is essential for me, even though, like you, when I'm in a funk I lose interest in everything. I essentially have to fake it at first, until I start to lift out of the funk (for me it's anxiety attacks). Are there any groups you could join where you could just sort of go with the flow e.g. volunteering or a church group?
Try to listen more to the side telling you that you are OK, because I'm sure it's right.
There is this mma gym I’ve been interested in joining Everytime I pass by, i get anxiety to the point where I pass out, but maybe I’ll give it shot... and thank you this really helped me feel a lot more better !!
That sounds like a great idea! Do they have classes? That would help, because you won't have to be as self-directed.
I started taking piano lessons, myself. I tried not to question "Do I really think I'll be good at piano?" or "Do I even really care about learning piano?" I just did it, and I've been enjoying it.
What do you go to school for? How is your day going so far? At times I feel like I don’t have anyone to talk to so I read or find something to watch on Netflix it’s helps if you wanna talk I’m here
You're going to get better. Right now I'm feeling worthless but I try to stay calm because I know it's just a feeling and it'll pass. The pain is great, yes, but we will all get better. I pray you get better. And you can talk to me whenever you want. If it makes you more comfortable, I think I'm about your age. Kisses, dear.