Today isn’t a good day at all I’ve been doing so good without feeling anything type of depression but it has set in today I’ve been telling people I’m down because of my birth control but it’s really because of my ex he came back around for 3 days and knocked me off my square I didn’t wanna tell anyone I’m feeling down because of him because I know they will judge and laugh I know I should leave him alone because he’s not any good for me but feelings are a killer I wish I was strong enough to keep him blocked and move on with my life this time I’m blocking him and I’m gonna keep it that way I don’t like feeling like this I’m not eating or sleeping don’t have too much energy to move around I just wanna lay around and sleep but I know I can’t allow that to become my life HELP ME I need to vent cry and laugh this away I feel like SHIT and stupid for letting him come back around me but next time I have to promise myself it will be different no more running back and forth no more hurting myself over him I know I can do this I just wish I could shake these feelings I have for him WHEN WILL I BECOME HAPPY?
Super down and out: Today isn’t a good... - Anxiety and Depre...
Super down and out

Sometimes it is really hard to let go of someone you love. But love is not supposed to hurt. You have to be strong and keep your distance. Every time you let him back in you have to start over with your feelings. I have been there and it is sooo hard because that person has some kind of hold on you, but it ends with you hurting. I'm sure you want to stop hurting. You have to love yourself and know that you are worth so much more.
Thanks I have to keep that in mind because I’m all broken and I know he will try to come back I have to stand my ground and leave him on the outside of my life for good this time
Yeah take some time to put your pieces back together. Think of it like everyday you add another puzzle piece to your broken heart and until you have all the pieces he can come in and take it apart. You've got this!!!
Hi. You will become happy when you decide to. No one or no thing in this world can make you feel a certain way without your permission first. I think you need to find someone new first. Join a meetupdotcom group or join a club. Next try to help other people instead of yourself. This will take your focus off your feelings and will put positive focus on others. Depression sucks but I believe we can switch that shit off almost immediately by doing things that benefit others. Stop telling yourself what you dont like all the time too. Negative self talk will always dig your hole deeper. Try telling yourself how you want to feel and ignore what you don't like in ypur life at the moment. Take a shower and get out of the damn house. Go for a 🚶 or do something that is relaxing. Create a new life and routine right now. Stop waiting for your feelings to change, you must decide to change first and then tale action. Good luck and God bless!
@jack112288, you are right, do not allow yourself to keep getting hurt by a repeat offender of hurt feelings and not being treated correctly in a relationship. You deserve to be treated with respect, appreciated and feel worthy of finding such a mate. I urge you to not allow those negative thoughts take over your thought process. When such thought pop in your head, take control over it and tell yourself, "not this time, I stronger than that". Focus on your strengths. believe in yourself. I do. Please keep us posted how you are doing. Hugs my friend.
hi @jack112288, nice to hear from you. how are is your day going? have you tried what we talked about?
I’m okay and no I end up talking back to the guy but from this day forward I’m blocking that person and moving forward with my life I deserve a whole lot more then the life I’m living it’s time to block the negativity and toxic people I wanna be happy and I’m gonna be happy