Am I irritable or not tolerating b.s.... - Anxiety and Depre...

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Am I irritable or not tolerating b.s. well?

33 Replies

I missed 2 nights of work last week because of a massive headache brought on by stopping Effexor cold turkey. I missed 2 nights of work and tonight my coworkers have both made biting comments about me going home sick. I feel frustrated and angry over this. One of them doesn't know i struggle with depression and side effects from antidepressants. The other coworker knows because I've talked to him about it but he thinks i need to cheer up and be grateful. I can't tell them to f#%k off because I'm not unprofessional but at the same time i feel mad enough that in my head I've told them both off. Is this feeling from being irritated because I'm depressed or is it normal?

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33 Replies
All_alone profile image

Hi. I would say a little of both. It would be for me. I have really no patience for crap or small talk or even joking around. Its frustrating when people say cheer up, be grateful or any of those other idiotic things they say. If it was only that easy. I'm sorry that your coworkers are not supportive, esp the one that knows. But it goes back to the people that have never had to deal with depression first hand or with a family member have no clue. You do have support and friends here.

in reply to All_alone

thank you for your reply and support. It helps and I appreciate it.

All_alone profile image
All_alone in reply to

Your welcome!

Guess you should have cut your dose to half a tablet, then a quarter over a period of several days - Can imagine how upset you were but hope your headache has improved. Suppose it is difficult to laugh off but you did well to hold your cool. Bet you are pleased you have stopped the drug after the withdrawal symptoms.

in reply to

It was a capsule and the lowest dose prescribed. I tried waiting until i could talk to my psychiatrist but she had an emergency and cancelled my appointment. I do feel better off the Effexor. Thanks for replying!

Irritability is a side effect when abruptly stoping some medicines. I would talk with your prescribing doctor about the proper course to slowly ween off your medication. They might even be able to help with the headache.

Spaz119 profile image

No! You can’t just stop it. I even tried cutting the tablets in half. I got so sick 🤢🤮 I started taking it again. Then the doc slowly took me off it while putting me on something else.

Definitely taper the dose. Not medical advice or a doctor, but I was given 2 weeks at half of the dose now, then 2 weeks at half of that, and finally 2 weeks of the the aforementioned half (should be 37.5 mg) every other day....and then finished. Effexor is one of the more difficult medications to come off of. Irritability would seem like a byproduct of cutting out the meds.

in reply to

thanks for your reply, i sure do struggle

Ingramk profile image

Oh you should never stop ANY antidepressant cold turkey! It will make you so sick you will think you are dying. At least that was my experience when I stopped Paxil cold turkey. I have never ever been so sick.

in reply to Ingramk

you are right. the headache i had lasted for days and i even went to urgent care and they gave me a shot of tordal.

LilyAnnepuppy profile image
LilyAnnepuppy in reply to Ingramk

I was on Paxil for 20 years and it stopped working. An ineffective physician’s assistant started me on different meds while cutting down quickly on the Paxil. Several meds later (kept having to try different brands due to side effects) I was basically not receiving a stable dose of anything. Getting off the Paxil was AWFUL. going off cold turkey? I think you’re lucky your head didn’t explode 😱

Ingramk profile image
Ingramk in reply to LilyAnnepuppy

me too!!! I was sick in the bed for at least a week, wishing I would just die from feeling so bad. I was told ...oh yeah, you can stop cold turkey. HA ! NEVER AGAIN

How long were you on it ? That’s part of the key to this. I’m like you even on low dose it still affects you. You’re grumpy and the rest from going off. Maybe you should have done every other day for 10 days then every 3rd. I know what it’s like. It doesn’t go away quickly either. It would be good if you could have Ativan. Have you tried the herb holy basil? It helps anxiety. You’re best not to engage with people at work in detox mode and swearing in your head is good lol!! When you decide to get off you know you’re signing up for a crappy ride for awhile

in reply to

i was on Effexor for a little over a month. it was a capsule so i couldn't break it up. honestly, i was desperate to get off it. the diarrhea was bad but being nervous and weird and scared was really bad. i had tried to wait for my psychiatrist but she cancelled on me twice and i just didn't know what to do.

in reply to

That’s awful they canceled on you. Try to decide if you can get through not taper or taper and find a herb or Ativan to help. Just know it’s going to be a ride and will mess with your head feel sick rest keep busy it’s time you need and mind messing up from it. Drugs are drugs they do stuff lol. You’re allowed to be sick just try to ignore anything just work at work say you’re coming to work not feeling well have infection lie if you need too & day you’re coming to work just concentrating on getting through the day till it heals stuff happens don’t be offended. People get that. None of their biz what you’re really doing.

in reply to

thank you for your kind words and encouragement.

Ingramk profile image
Ingramk in reply to

I weaned off of Effexor as was a capsule, I just opened them up and divided the little balls of medicine inside by sight....and came off of it that way! I had not side effects.

Hope you start feeling better soon. Antidepressant withdrawal is no joke.

HopeWithSmile profile image

It might be both, of course. However, I don’t take any medicine, and such behavior still irritates me. If I feel extremely bad, I just call in sick saying I have a fever or something like that because people will not understand, definitely.

I feel you. What baffles me out more is that my family also doesn’t understand. I have work anxiety and they just say “chill out, why are you so over-reactive?” And it really pisses me off.

in reply to HopeWithSmile

it is very hard having loved ones that don't understand.

Carlee1962 profile image

I've been on Effexor. Stopping cold turkey not a great idea. Taper off. I'd discuss it with your doctor.

YouareBeloved99 profile image

@zippermocha, was it the side effects of the med that made you stop taking it? Have you tried other antidepressants? I used to take Prozac but it made me hungry all the time and gain wait. Now I take Sertraline (Zoloft). I haven't had any side effects at all with it and no problems at all with weight. My sister takes Lexipro and also likes it. Like the others have said, part of the issue with the lack of patience could definitely have to do with stopping cold turkey. Just in case you need it, your primary doctor can also prescribe meds. That's how I get mine. I've never gone to a psychiatrist.

On another note, I'm sorry that your co-workers have been insensitive. Remember that what they see is like what you would see if you were looking through the peep hole of a door. They don't know the whole story and only see a very small part of your life. If it was as easy as just "cheering up," then duh, we'd all do that. I'm sure if they broke their leg, they wouldn't expect other people to tell them to get over it, get up and start walking on it. If it were only that easy. It may not be that they are mean-spirited (I hope). They just don't understand. If they did, I hope they would treat you differently. Either way, you have to do what is best for you regardless of what other people think. They are blessed to not have to deal with anxiety and depression. It's really tough. I am praying for you.

in reply to YouareBeloved99

I originally get prescribed prozac from an army doctor back in 2002 when i returned from Koskvo. Later, my civilian doctors continued to prescribe it. It worked for a long time and then last year my dog died and i had a break down at work so my family doctor recommended a psychiatrist. he put me on Abilify to boost the effects of prozac but Abilify gave me the shakes so my new psychiatrist put me on Effexor added to the prozac. the Effexor gave me diarrhea and made me feel weird and nervous. now I'm taking lamictal in addition to the prozac. I'm waiting to see how it works for me.

YouareBeloved99 profile image
YouareBeloved99 in reply to

@zippermocha, I didn't realize that you were a veteran. First and foremost, thank you for your service. I have so much respect for you. I'm also really sorry about your dog. I'm praying that your doctors will help you to find the right meds and dosages for you.

in reply to YouareBeloved99

thank you!

BS-ZIG profile image

It was the hardest drug I ever had to get off of...Hang in there and Good Luck!

You should wean yourself off slowly...

LushMelody profile image

Firstly, did you consult your doctor before discontinuing such an extreme medication? These medications can cause serious side effects, worse than those caused by taking them, when stopping suddenly and horrible withdrawal. Effexor is one of the worst in that regard.

That being said, I'd be extremely F#*!ING PISSED too. Professional approach is to confront them about being respectful in the workplace, and informing them that your work attendance is between you and your boss only. It is not acceptable to make judgments of others in the workplace, and they should keep their comments out of the workplace. If this doesn't resolve the problem, or doesn't seem like it will based on their reactions, then you can inform them they are creating an uncomfortable work environment, and if it continues you will be forced to report them to Human Resources. F#*! them if they can't handle being respectful and professional at work; you don't deserve to work in a hostile environment. Also, follow through... You should feel comfortable working, and they obviously need some workplace training, as will as a life lesson in not being a complete A*#h*@%!!!!

You have absolutely NO RESPONSIBILITY to tell ANYONE about your situation or conversations with your boss or HR department.

So, yes, Effexor can easily cause fatigue and irritability. Depression can also cause this. SO DOES BEING HUMAN! Do yourself a favor, and realize they are being disrespectful and rude! Don't take it personally as their attitude is based on bias and misinformation.

in reply to LushMelody

I like your reply! I tried consulting my psychiatrist before I quit Effexor cold turkey but she cancelled my appointment on the 22 and on the 31. So, i took matters into my own hands. Coworkers can be such underhanded jerks with their subtle barbs and denials when confronted. I am glad you replied. Thank you!

LushMelody profile image
LushMelody in reply to

I'm glad you found my words helpful.

If you ever need anything, just let me know. Depression also whispers in our ears, and it never has anything good to say. :)

Dolphin14 profile image

Thank you for your service in the military.

I lost my dog a couple years ago and it was the worst thing I've had to go though. Believe me I've been through a lot. But my connection with my boy was holding me together

I'm on Effexor, lamictal, abilify and a couple more I think hahahah. Takes a lot to calm this girl down.

Are all the other symptoms gone? Irritability is a signs of depression. But also withdrawal so it's hard to say what's what at this stage.

I hope you begin to feel better soon

in reply to Dolphin14

I am feeling much better. Thank you for asking. My psychiatrist prescribed lamictal to go with the prozac and the combination is really working for me. I'm so sorry about your dog. It's very painful losing a fur baby.

Dolphin14 profile image
Dolphin14 in reply to

So glad you are feeling better. I hope that continues for you.

It is hard to lose those fur babies. We were so lucky to have had such a bond with them weren't we. 🐾🐾

in reply to Dolphin14

yes, I feel very lucky to have gotten so much love from them.

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