I know it sounds kinda dumb but really how? Im in my early 40s and do not have anybody I talk to on a regular basis. Had/have a friend that we used to go out to eat, go to the gym and once in awhile shopping but now that she has a guy we rarely even talk. Ive always been a loner and pretty introverted so I just dont know how. I look back on my life and maybe had 1 or 2 friends but everyone else was freinds of friends. My lifestyle kind of does not help with things either, I live mobile in a cargo trailer i am converting, so many kinda look down on that. If Im not at work, only part time, im usually sitting at the park with my ducks. Ive been alone so long im used to it but it would still be nice to have someone to talk to once in awhile. I think one of my biggest things is just having someone that wants to check on me. Sounds bad but if i was to pass in my sleep nobody would notice for quite some time, and then it would mostly be cause my truck hasnt moved. Maybe I just think too much.
How does one make freinds?: I know it... - Anxiety and Depre...
How does one make freinds?

People need people it is sooo natural. Feeling lonely is not weird and having company and support is fundamental to mental health. Try joining some club or volunteering somewhere. Reach out to old acquaintances. Good luck
I recommend finding something you are interested in (like an art class, yoga, or even a small side job) and you can start bonding with the people that you are around in those settings. I find that when you are doing a common activity with people, it is easier to bond with them and strike up a conversation about it. I wish you the best. Remember that you are never alone no matter how alone you may feel.

Not much happin in this small town im in now lol. Somethin will come along eventually.
Hi you have to go to places where people are. I don't know where you live but I am guessing the USA? I am in the UK and we have various groups here such as Meet Up and U3A. There must be something similiar where you are.
Also it's an old clique but follow your interests eg going to a class or a local group. For example if you are into rambling then find a relevant group. It's often easier to form friendships with those who have similiar interests to you. Good luck. x
People at church are usually very friendly😊

Yeah but im not a church goin person.
Ah, what do you like doing?

Good question. Last few years nothing really. Durring the day its sittin out with my ducks and at night its findin someplace with open wifi to watch youtube. Thus is my life.
I’m actually the last person who should be giving advice seeing as I’m in the same boat😂 I just do know that people don’t come knocking on the door asking to be friends. Maybe you will make friends on here though.

Know how ya feel there. Ive had people come to me with their relationship problems and stuff and its like, um ya know ive been single for 10 years right? Lol.
It’s not just you. Many psychiatric and sociology articles have been written on just this subject. As social media grows real life fades.
The best thing I found was my hobby. Other than the ducks whatcha got? I shoot pool and read. So I joined a pool team and a book club at the library.
I also found fb meet ups. It’s not for hook ups. At least not the ones I’ve gone to. I’ve met other women who like to crochet and we ate dinner and exchanged patterns. I ended up meeting one ladies entire family and we talk regularly.
Do you have a YMCA nearby?
I don’t think most people care where you live. In the USA they’re talking about taxing ‘off the grid’ people. People care if your armpits stink or your nails are dirty. Put lotion on your elbows.
I certainly don’t look down on you. Try to find something you like that will throw you in with other people.
Best of luck to you💛
Wish i had hobbies lol. I do need to find some but all the ones im interested in cost too much, plus really limmited on space.
Been part of several places just tryin to meet friends and never lasts long. Mayby this is justvthe way its ment to be for now.
Could be just have too much on my mind right now and over thinking things.
Then talk to us/me! Unless I’m writing I’m here. Nothing stays the same. You’re in a lull. We’ve all been there.
Seems the older i get the harder it is to find people to talk to. 10 years ago when i got divorced could find all kinds of people to talk to anf was doin like 15k text a month, these days its like 15 text a month and thats mostly my mom lol. If my ducks would just learn to talk back to me id be ok....