I am a 34 year old female who suffers with severe Health Anxiety and it completely impacts my life. I have attended the accident and emergency room around 60 times and I am constantly at my doctors convinced I have a life threatening illness.
In the last 2 and 1/2 years these are the investigations i have had:-
CT head scan
MRI scan
MRI Spine
Abdominal ultrasound x3
X 2 endoscopy and colonoscopy
24 hour heart monitor x2
Echocardiogram (heart scan)
Another CT head and MRI head scan
Lumar puncture
Nerve tests
Fit test bowel sample for bleeding
CT scan for kidneys and bladder
Multiple ECG's and multiple blood tests.
I know I suffer with anxiety and I know anxiety produces physical sensations but I attribute them to something medical every single time.
Ive had lots of therapy, medications and have read Dr Claire Weekes, At Last a Life by Paul David and DARE by Barry McDonagh.
Sometimes i can sit with the physical symptoms of anxiety andother times i cannot and think I am dying.