I have been doing so well with my GAD. I have had a bright outlook and I could finally say that my life was stable and I found myself content. Then when I had a blood test recently and my liver enzymes were very high. At the time I was sick with some sort of virus and was given antibiotics and sent home. I recovered and was told to see a GI dr about the increased enzymes. I was feeling good and all was well with me. I assumed that my liver enzymes had gone back to normal but after my recent blood test my anxiety started again in full force. I show no symptoms of a damaged liver but my anxiety over this is causing me all the usual physical problems. My dr has not gotten back to me on what is going on. I did send a message to the office to please tell me what all this means. She answered my message saying that when she gets the tests she will contact me. Meanwhile I wait not knowing what to think about what could possibly make my liver enzymes spike like this. I’m scared.
Has anyone had any issues like this? I would appreciate any advice for me at this time. 🕊️