Hello, this is my first post on here. I’m not entirely sure what to say other than I came here looking for support and for people I can talk to and be real with. In my everyday life, I hide so many things and it has become a burden. I can’t talk about how my depression and anxiety have truly become debilitating, and I can’t work. My family see’s my age and they think everything is fine. How can I be open with them when they will think I am being lazy? Does anyone have these same feelings? Is it okay that I am not working right now because I can not control my anxiety attacks?
Looking for a friend: Hello, this is my... - Anxiety and Depre...
Looking for a friend

Hi and welcome 🤗 I can relate and many ppl on here can. Everyone is sooooo nice too ❤️ great advice, support and no judgement XXX you can only do what you can manage at the moment. Don't worry about worrying. Ppl who haven't been through this find it hard to comprehend. We would get so much sympathy for a broken bone but sometimes not much for these awful mental illnesses xxx
Have you looked into any support groups in your area?
It is certainly okay not to go to work if you have anxiety. I haven’t worked in 10 years. I have depression and anxiety. I hate you feel the need to hide things, from your family and friends. I’m sorry you’re going through this and these feelings. I’m here if you want to talk. God bless you!
Hi, I’m new here as well and our concerns are very relatable. I’ve been dealing with anxiety for the past 3 years on and off, but these past couple of months have been hell. I’m also young and my family don’t understand what I’m going through. It’s like explaining to them always gets me the response “just stop worrying”. If I could I most definitely would but this has taken over me terribly. I will be more than happy for us to talk about what we’re going through, because I want someone to understand me as well.
I’m in the exact same place..but I’m 58, my ex husband divorced me after 30 years and my anxiety & depression have gotten so much worse..I’m so sorry you’re going thru this too. I’ve lost my 3rd job in 4 months because of my mental state..It’s so debilitating and my family is so far away and I don’t think they understand.
Hi, others who dont have anxiety attacks wont understand how crippling it can be. You need to talk to others with the same symptoms who will understand. When people think your just being lazy it is a very hurtful insult!