Depression... a term, a word which when used normally people have a reaction like Hey everyone has depression, you are not alone some even don't hesitate to say for what you are depressed you have an easy life... no burden of earning no stress of future just sitting at home... yes it can be true to some extent.... ... but Is this the reality?? NO, not at all......
I'm depressed, I'm anxious... ... so much that I really really afraid of waking up in the morning fear in mind don't know when will the low feeling hit me hit me so hard that... that I feel like ending myself want to pause everything, everything means everything like my chaotic mind, feeling, emotions... - just want to numb my brain no it won't send any feeling any emotions. this low feeling is like I'm drowning drowning deep deep in a dark tunnel, a tunnel which is so dark, so scary , so very scary no light even at the end of tunnel.... feeling like suffocation oh so much suffocation... ... can't bear it, feel like heart is sinking, sinking so deep... but it doesn't stop it keeps on beating, beating is dull, very slow but it beats. Wish it stops just STOP. Everything will come to end, this pain, this feeling of being hopeless, useless, worthless Trust me this is the worst thing of life~ Can I end it??NO....why??Am i coward?NO....then what's stopping me.....this feeling engulfs me n the biggest question is WHY I AM DEPRESSED, Why I am feeling so low ...... Why just why?? If I think about it I get no answer I mean no answer that can give profound answer to my question. I am Chronic Pain Patient, in constant pain since almost 8-9 years, constant Pain but you don't look sick...... depression, anxiety is also a part of my this sickness if I think this way I am just clinically depressed n this should be treated clinically. But depression aggravates the pain too, and because of pain depression increases so it's a vicious circle, things are overlapping each other and I just not able to figure it out....... I am trying to come out of this I am really trying hard to come out of all this but no success, and it's natural that efforts are being appreciated only if those leads to success otherwise who cares and who has time to appreciate your efforts, encourage you that it's Okay if you're not succeeding atleast you're trying......
I think it will definitely give boost to the sufferer....