I don't want to die, i just want a different life. I have a horrible addiction to kratom and i would not wish this on anyone. I started using it for my life long depression, only to make things worse.
Does anyone else feel this way - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone else feel this way

Right there with you...I don’t want to die either yet I suffer from Ocd, anxiety and depression and want a different life also, looking for some relief. What is kratom

It's a powdered plant, similar effect as opioids, only legal. It shouldn't be and if i could go back in time i would have never touched it
I don’t want to die, not really. I would not do anything on purpose to make that happen. But I do think if I saw it coming for me, I wouldn’t try to avoid it. I think I’ll be sort of relieved when life is over.
I don’t want to die either, I just don’t want to feel this way. My husband had introduced me to Kratom but I didn’t believed it worked. We never really got that into it. I’m glad after reading your post. He had read about it and we tried it but I was a bit afraid when I started hearing bad things about it. He now takes Naltrexone. It’s actually used for opioid or alcohol withdrawals in high doses ( 50mg). In small doses (4.5mg) it is used for pain. So it’s not like any other medication for pain. No addiction either. It has helped him tremendously. Do you have pain issues? I was just wondering because of kratom usually being used for pain.
Hello Kimmersinsc
You poor thing. You’ve learnt the hard way that it’s not wise to self-medicate. I can understand your dilemma. I have not heard of Kratom, but I googled. I see it is illegal here in the UK and for good reason.
However, addiction is addiction, no matter what the substance or habit.
Finding a way out of your depression will be so much easier when you stop using kratom.
Being aware that you have an addiction problem is a huge step in the right direction.
I’m guessing you have ‘tried’ to stop taking it.
Stop trying and failing.
The key here is: DECIDE to stop and then set a date to stop.
I believe that once the decision is made, the doing is easy.
Find out as much as you can about the drug and as much as you can about addiction, so that you will be well informed by the time your first day of freedom dawns.
Of course, you may have to reduce your dose gradually, so gradually that your body doesn’t physically crave it.
Find support for the psychological addiction. I think that you might find any of the Twelve Step meetings helpful.
Do you have family and friends or see anyone about your depression?
I hope so for your sake.
Keep reaching out for help. Everyone here wants the best for you.
You can be reassured that:
Addiction can be overcome.
Depression can be left in the past.
And you CAN have a different life.