My neighbors have put up a pretty disturbed scene for Halloween decorations!!😣does anyone else feel it’s sorta disturbing how dark &frightening some Halloween stuff can be??like crosses a line maybe??? Like kids may be confused freaked out by some things ??also😱🤔
Anybody else feel this way? - Anxiety and Depre...
Anybody else feel this way?

hi some families really go to town with Halloween and Christmas it can be scary to some kids mind you and even some adults I suppose they want to give the kids a memorable night.
I live in the UK and we only used to get trick or treat, when kids used to call at peoples doors for sweets etc, we used to chase them
Now it seems to be a night as important as Christmas and the shops seem to relate to that by selling stuff to decorate the home and garden, I am a pensioner and cannot relate to this celebration. In a way we never get bothered here as we live out in the countryside and residents do not seem to celebrate this.
We blame USA for this, I suppose it has come across the pond , Personally I never like this festival

Yea that’s a shame can get very commercial -selling soo much!!
Halloween originated as a pagan celebration for ‘Samhain’, ancient Gaelic for end of summer in Ireland.
Yes it originally was called Beltane by the Celts, They used to burn a mass of people in a wooden depiction of a giant man. I also suppose the Druids were keen on celebration of various things this time of year.
Well only one more to go, on the 5 November we celebrate the Gunpowder Plot, trying to blow up the Houses of Parliament. Now wishful thinking I suppose lol
I guess Timothy McVeigh could be a kind of modern day Guy Fawkes.
No, I do not agree with what he did. Don’t write in but it’s something to think about if you understand his hatred of the way the government was invading countries and treating their soldiers badly afterwards.
Also he was very angry about the way the government was using soldiers to do its dirty work.
This is a controversial statement and I could get into trouble with the moderators but it’s a thought that came to mind a long time ago.
Yes, I find some of the decorations very disturbing. I don't really like Halloween.
I think it is difficult when all ages can see your display. you have to be aware of youngsters. Over the top subjects should be in a private area.
I never really mind the Halloween stuff by me but the Christmas decorations are horrendous.

Yea they can be pretty awful at times- over cheesy over commercial & kinda over the top!!
A few year’s ago an old man got arrested on Halloween here in UK.
A group of children knocked on his door for Halloween and he opened the door completely naked.
That’s disturbing.

Eww that’s very disturbing- yes 😱😂
Something tells me it was meant as a twisted prank to keep the children from knocking on the door. Not a very good idea.
You are right to notice that promoting evil is not OK but the evil elites push Halloween they really want the masses to embrace it
And the same evil elites take Christ out of Christmas
This world is run by enemies of Christ and the Christian.God once you realise this it all makes sense
Christmas is a big commercial retail and church funding scam.
If you believe that the Virgin Mary was impregnated by this imaginary ‘God’., ‘The Immaculate Conception’ then you may as well believe Harry Potter is a true story.
Now, Christmas is a nice event to get the family together and everyone becomes a well wisher and children get gifts from Santa Clause - Father Christmas and there is a nice dinner but let’s be realistic about this.
It just shows the naivety of billions of people and how vulnerable we are to being exploited and behaving like innocent sheep.
Humanity needs to grow up.

Humans are hard wired to believe in their creator God no matter how hard you try you can never fill the hole in our brain that can only be filled by God
That doesn't stop them trying though with "mindfulness "
In the North of England/Scotland we do celebrate Christmas, although New Year seems to hit the mark in more than one way.
However in our House we do celebrate Christmas, not in a Commercial way, it is a Holiday full of good intentions. It is the Commercial bias that makes it the way it is. We do not buy any presents now.
In some parts of Europe it is Christmas Eve that is actually celebrated, and we had that sort of Christmas for many years. Christianity like many more religions has connections to many more earlier Faiths. Christmas can be a wonderful time of the year if we make it for family and friends. As I mentioned before I have not been in a city now for many years, a peaceful thoughtful time at that time of the year is my way. Spending money on tat is not Christmas. You can see that by the expensive purchases people are forced to make
Same in Ireland. I grew up in Cork and Christmas Eve was a special night. My mother made a special meal like a buffet and I always remember the homemade sausage roles.
We opened presents Christmas Eve and many people went to midnight mass.
Christmas Day was the usual Christmas dinner, turkey (American), sprouts etc and we spent the day watching telly. Chitty Chitty Bang Bang, Willy Wonka, The Sound of Music etc.
I hated every minute of it and still do today. My old man was an abusive scumbag alcoholic.
It would be wonderful if Christmas went without an argument. My Mother used to cause hell and upset in one way or another and when they can for Dinner on the day they were generally a couple of hours late. To be honest I used to dread that time of year until we made the decision for a Christmas, with both of us and the dog, seems to work well.
Eventually we went abroad at Christmas and even been away from family it was generally a good time especially when we used to visit the Middle East, one Christmas in Jordan was spent on a visit to Petra, the other in Syria was spent in Palmyra, until we started having doge. By the time we got home everyone fell out with each other and were then behaving themselves.
Now it is a time of Peace and good will on our own at home, bliss

Hello Wally 44,. I couldn't help but notice your closing lines about christmas movies and scumbag alcoholic dad. They took me back to my hellish childhood with MY scumbag alcoholic father who also forced us to watch all that BS! Lol You know Wally,. Many people have no business having children because without a choice we are brought into someone else's fu**+d up relationship. Which we become new "targets" to their already dysfunctional relationship. This type of scenario goes on waaay too much in our society, it's a very serious problem that still goes on today. In my case i was born into an abusive relationship (most likely by reason of trying to save their toxic relationship) i was subjected to years of physical and verbal abuse. When i turned 18 i was left to pick up the shattered pieces of my life thanks to a beautiful dad and a mom who knew how to defend herself from my dad's physical attacks, but for some reason? Was absent for mine. So i was left with PTSD (unlabeled at that time) severe anxiety,depression, agoraphobia, etc etc... And a LIFETIME of suffering that started out the way i described. I'm now 50 years old, and I'd be lying if i told you that i don't carry any resentment in me. I was my dads punching bag, i was an innocent victim to my dad's failures and personal issues in his life. So i totally relate to your comment.