THAT...Hurts Me The Most. My Animals. I Tear Up So Easy About It. They Don't Deserve To Be Put Down....They Look At Me With Love & Happiness & It Just Kills Me. They Are ALL Wonderful Pets & I Feel Like I've Let Them Down....Really Having A Hard Time With That. Losing The House ? No Big Deal. But My Pets....?
Just Lost My Home. Foreclosed. I Have... - Anxiety and Depre...
Just Lost My Home. Foreclosed. I Have A Really Broken Heart. I Realized My Pets May Have To Be Put Down. Never Had Any Children.

Dear TriggerPoint, Please take your mind or hands off the trigge of the problems that lie in front of you. Are you able to find temporary homes/shelter for your pets. Take a picture of them and post around town with your contact number. Maybe several people may want some company (temporarily). You can get through this, but you've got to do your part and face truth, but know that this too shall pass.
I'm so sorry. I can relate. Two years ago we lost our home and had to move in with the in-laws. We battled alcoholism and unemployed on his part and finally lost the ball. We had to let our dog find a new home too. He is still unemployed and we live with his mom but it was the best thing that could have happened for us. We are now sober and really good parents to our twelve year old daughter. We grew alot closer to his parents and just in the nick of time because his young father died just months ago and we would have missed out on time with him had this not happened. I know it seems hopeless now but things happen for a reason and this will lead you to a different life but maybe a better life in the end. You will make it through and become stronger and learn valuable lessons along the way.

Thanks So Much...I Just Needed To Reach Out...& I Thank You...
TriggerPoint, I'm so sorry..... sometimes words to say are hard to find.
So I will just send my love to you and hope it helps that someone cares. xx
I’m sorry to hear what is happening in your life right now. My prayers go out to you triggerpoint.
Why put the pets down? Are they I'll? Where are you located? I will help find a no kill shelter while you look for a friend or family member who can take them temporarily.
A house is just 4 walls and a roof. I am near that point, too.
Use it as a fresh start.
Tell me something positive that happened this week, no matter how small.
I have pets and under no circumstances would I ever put them down. They are the only living creatures keeping me ALIVE. Why would putting them down ever be an option? Why this awful trigger????
I feel the need to say when completely overwhelmed thinking clearly or logically does not always happen. Someone offered to help find an animal rescue organisation and I see this as a positive solution.
I have cats, all rescued. They keep me alive. You are thinking clearly by considering placing them in a no-kill animal shelter. Maybe you have someone who can take your pets while you settle? Just a thought. The thought of this idea breaks my heart for you. I can relate. You can always get your pets back, if nobody adopts them, or ask for them to be fostered so you can get them back, and visit them. Just some ideas. <3
Sorry for all you're going through, I know your pets were important to you. But you need to get it together for yourself. That sounds more important.
Omg I know exactly how you feel as I'm going through something similar
I've got to move out of my flat due to landlord selling the flat me n my 3 cats have been renting and I can't find anywhere to go that will accept me on benefits and allow 3 cats. I was on my final week before giving my cats up when the buyer pulled out so landlord let us stay til another buyer found. It's looking like another buyer been found now n so we back on our countdown again. I can't bear the thought of losing my cats. I gave them a home as they were homeless, we been together for the past 6 years, I'm back on anti depressants because of this. My worry is that if cats get a new home what if someone unkind to them, they are really nice quiet cats and scardy cats...I've been protecting them. I don't know what is worse worrying for the next 10 years if they are ok, are they being treated nicely or like you put to sleep. oh it's so unfair, why does life have to be so cruel when things are tough enough already.
I'm so sorry this is happening to you. I really understand how heart breaking it is the fear of losing your pets. I've been praying every night for a happy ending but I'm so angry with God for not helping or not listening to my prayers.....maybe cos I'm more spiritual than religious
I'm really sorry for both of us, pets bring so much therapy and love and keep us going day to day with their loveliness and add a purpose to life because they require not only food and water but also cuddles n kisses n bonding time....and the playing n more cuddles..I've never had children either it's always been me and a pet, first a dog, now 3 cats. They are just so loveable.
I'll pray hard again tonight....if I win the lotto I will buy you a new house for you and your pets and you'll never have to worry again about losing them for the rest of their and your lives.
Wish I could end on a positive note but it's too sad
I'm sorry
Jo 💕💕💕💕💕💕💕 to you and your pets
Look into programs that help people with low income to keep their pets. Reach out to rescues they would know best. For example, I have yorkies so I would reach out to the yorkie rescue, even if it’s not in my state. ThEy know options or are willing to foster. Good luck! I would be the same as you. I love my pets like family.
TriggerPoint where do you live and are they dogs? If you are in driving distance and they are dogs I can help. No good with cats allergies. If you aren’t in the NY NJ area reach out to the rescue society
hi trigger what reasons are you being it something you could seek legal advice on and fight it.if your losing your home then make sure local council provide you with a new one although it could mean your pets being placed in temporary shelter.really hope it doesn't come to that though.stay strong never give up but most importantly take care.
You don’t have to put dogs down
Surrender them . I admire your values
On caring more for your pets than house.
I’m sorry you’re having such a hard time,
Please foster your dogs you may be able to have them later on, who knows?
Prayers for you!!🙏
Please don't put your pets down it is not their fault as to what is happening yes send them to a foster Place read all the replies everyone is praying for you and your pets. right now things look dark but the sun will shine and everything will work out. Sending you hope love and prayers
so sorry buddy, I'm an animal lover, I understand..praying..
Hello dear, this sounds awful, I am so sorry... I hope that you will be able to, in the midst of this darkness, find a way to keep your pets, albeit it seems impossible at this point. I send some good vibrations and intention in your direction. Keep moving. Hugs
Hey Sweetie!! Its been a while! I am wondering how you are since i have not been on in a while. Sorry for the misfortune with your home, and i hope all is working out. I really hope you either kept your critters or found them a good home. Hit me up when you can, would like to hear from you!! You was there for me when i needed you. If there is anything i can do let me know!!!