A few worrying days, my dog Diva was under par and Yonnie was limping, today both are back to normal😄my pets are everything, we give up so much for them, but they give so much back in return,they teach us to value the simple things, their loyalty is without question and i believe if humans had hearts like our pets the world would be so much kinder because they don't create anger or wars. I know their life span is shorter than ours, but in that time, they teach us humility, they ground us. They don't care if we live in a cottage or a castle, all they want is to be with us.
Yesterday I was in the garden deep in thought when birds were hopping across the lawn and the Hedgehog was busy eating food i had put down and my dogs were just sat watching, not attempting to shoo them away, and i was surprised and in awe when the birds were just a step away from them. For a moment in time, I felt i was in the promised land.