You know anxiety and depression are horrible illnesses. They zap the life out of you. It makes you feel like you are alone and that the world is against you and you just want to die to end the pain! That is a big fat lie! Your negative thoughts will scream this to you constantly! It is time we take control and start trying to fight these diseases with meditation, self love, exercise, prayer, medication and counseling if necessary. I take Celexa and Xanax and I have no shame! I have also seen a counselor which has helped me tremendously! She made me see that I am not crazy and I have MANY unresolved issues from childhood that have led to self hatred. That is why I work on self love everyday! That is so important and it has led to so much healing! PLEASE PLEASE if you take anything away from this post, it is to love yourself and believe in a Higher power that can help you!
Sending love and healing prayers and vibes my warriors!