For All Of Us Struggling Tonight - Anxiety and Depre...

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For All Of Us Struggling Tonight

24 Replies

We are worth self love. We are worth self compassion. We deserve The chance to be healed and whole emotionally and physically. We can grow as a human being and a spiritual being. (Its cool if that's not your thing, much love to all the non spiritual people cause you are worth it too!!) We can hang on another day even if we don't believe it. We have value and our struggle is real and valid no matter how "small" or "big" or even if it happened long ago. Our pain is real. Our pain matters. Our healing matters. We MATTER and I send you all LOVE and Rainbows tonight. Love and rainbows for every day.

24 Replies
Ladybug9 profile image

Thank you for sharing your thoughts. I'm having a bad night so I needed this. I don't believe in coincidences or luck. I beleive everyone and everything comes into our lives for a reason and there is usually a lesson to be learned. Thank you again!


MrRigatoni profile image

Hello pleased to meet you sorry to hear suffering.

I have used various variety techniques make it easy for you.

One is not to be using or watching media Tv that is depressing, I know a lot of hate, anger and emotion in some countries.

Look at being positivity using bible, music and lots of meditation therapy relaxation techniques.

Learnt from mental health charities which I recommend to every one where ever you are.

Coping methods stratergies hardest for those suffering abuse alcoholism and those conditions illness that cause pain.

Heart prayers and my thoughts to you and all of them .

Am here most evenings how can I graciously offer my time to heal and soothe.

Thank you

in reply to MrRigatoni

Thank you.

I agree what we watch matters.

Spiritual life is VERY important to me!

Prayers are so welcomed!

Thank you again!!

MrRigatoni profile image

Hello agree words people think if reading bible going to change them.

Become Religious no lots in the bible treasured nuggets of wisdom support and comfort.

My best friend in a hour of a need or to reach out.

Am glad feel the same.

Met those suffering and in pain yet deny themselves the opportunity to read.

Used to give bibles away buy many on line give to those in a need. Often found never bothered or even looked laughing making fun yet thought .

If looked read many forms of guidence spirtual guiding light in a dark place heres the answer.

Always give prayers thoughts and kind words spread the love away to where ever every one is.

Although some people think say love you means something else had this recently now she gone thinks me a sexual predator sorry not right if you have no love.

Love thyself and can not then sorry how can you see respond to others who say those words.

I do not mean sexually why think that had this a lot the way some people respond.

All sad lonely people wish could offer more but in their hearts are stone cold and no emotion not right some how.

Pleased to meet you.

Chillybird profile image

I needed to here this. Thank You so much.

Chillybird profile image

Thank You. I needed this.

MrRigatoni profile image
MrRigatoni in reply to Chillybird

Pleased to meet you .

Please can I ask how can I help you sound need a friend have any issues please how can be supportive answers solutions ready to listen.

We all need to be supporting each other.

Chillybird profile image
Chillybird in reply to MrRigatoni

Hi I have problems at night with eating the wrong kinds of food. I get bored and upset and turn to food for my comfort especially chocolate. I actually have a chocolate 🍫 stash that I freak out when it gets low. I buy the chocolate when it is on sale and I had bought 8 bags of the dark Hershey kisses at one time. I also have low self esteem issues and I think I am fat which I am border line overweight. Its so hard to not want to eat everything all day long.

in reply to Chillybird

you can eat chocolate like that and only be borderline overweight. Which is code for your healthy lol

I am so jealous I love chocolate like yes love it but i got to three hundred pounds once

in reply to

Now I am back to healthy well the doctor says I am not that i need to loose cause I am a bit overweight ...... I have low self esteem issues too

in reply to

I cant eat it cause it took alot for me to loose all the weight I did years ago. I was obese for a huge chunk of my life

MrRigatoni profile image
MrRigatoni in reply to Chillybird

Hello good morning to you thank you for sharing.

Only issues are first that need to know caffeine in chocolate is causing more anxiety in large quatities not good.

More you eat more the worse symptoms can be come.

I have to share had low self esteem issues you not alone with any of this.

Briefly ballooned with drugs alcohol junk food and was up to enormous weight.

Emabarrassing for me as public had to open double doors for me to ge through.

So I understand everything.

You need to think how can I move on coping with this situation, if you look on line plenty of support.

Number of steps can install and instill for your self but this going to need professional help not can do some but the fears of relapse and lack of confidence gets to you.

Mentally if you can look on line mental health charities. I believe your based in the USA.

In this country often with in mental health charities have well being advisors.

These helped mentally, also looked at diet fitness means also gained qualifications, insight in to diet, nutritional knowledge.

This is something may be available to you in the States.

I would also recommend creating a feel good brain storming session some notes.

I do this make notes where what need to do for positivity.

Self esteem confidence starts with thinking about which way to take on your journey.

Look at skills talents abilities and any thing else hobbies interests .

Work life coaches can help here.

I used one or two upbeat feeling emotive because your right now in a vicious circle and as a member who knows needs to be changed.

Can be done small steps if you feel can cope can see or hear a common trait of anxiety depression is getting the confusion.

See or hear means basically you not seeing or hearing oblvious to the problems envisaging to your health.

I thought me a gent a drink problem but not listening or hearing so used a mental health charity to heal and recovery.

If some one else can see or be supportive then changes then can happen.

One other have to we all different body shapes sizes weights looks and physical.

Had a friend beautiful blonde curves to die for everything was right figure shape model looks everything a lady would want to be.

Most unhappy friend ever met because she thought was ugly and because her looks men wanted to have sex or hit on her constantly.

Highly intelligent went out with me total opposite I saw her different not the looks.

Sexy gorgeous fabulous traits attraction comes in different guises. Gents like me like intelligence smart looks nothing to do with it.

Has to be acceptance I often like love dating large or those or certain shall we say figures find them interesting stimulating and incredible sexy.

Sensual and if it comes to be afriendship or a relationship so be it.

I also may add doing charity work volunteering helps a lot because it means you come in to contact with those who are either of our community.

See help understand your self helping others one way is looking at charities that deal in welfare or social.

We have here food banks often need volunteers.

Make you understand the importance of people nutrition.

I joined a mental health charity to help me mentally. As a volunteer learnt a lot.

Please hope have helped.

Please if you need to talk am here anytime.

Chillybird profile image
Chillybird in reply to MrRigatoni

Thank You for the information. Will try to get help within my community.

MrRigatoni profile image

Hello pleased to meet you too.

I have comfort boxes of CD's latest ones AMAZON sell meditation ones.

Sounds of nature and other sorts of sounds relaxing good night sleep works wonders.

Pleasure to support you.

Any one on here who needs soothing words comfort reassurance it is tough hard being on your own but my faith keeps me strong.

Keep safe in my thoughts and prayers actually do not wish to embarrass you will add to my list tonight when retire.

Often a small amount of time spent evenings prayers to those whom hold a candle to including those new friends met on here.

Take care keep safe

Iammesues profile image

Thank you. I need your words tonight

in reply to Iammesues

I am so glad they can help even if only a small way

Chillybird profile image

Oh boy I once weight about 60 pounds more than what I do now and I worry all the time about putting it back on. I am always counting my food caleries, carbs etc. But I still cheat a little with chocolate 🍫 😋. Someday I will stop obsessing over my weight and be happy.

in reply to Chillybird


Chillybird profile image

I am only about 5 pounds over to be at a healty weight. So I guess I shouldnt worry too much about it. Also thank you for your story it helps me to cope.

in reply to Chillybird

yeah your healthy. But its not easy to not obsess over it

I mean if we could stop we would right no one wants to be unhappy.

Dog_Lover1 profile image

Thank you Rainbows4Life for this post, and for the lovely reminder. I have had a particularly grueling day; so your words come with remarkable timeliness.

Hugs and Joy to You! 🐕 DogLover1

Chillybird profile image

We get a clean slate everyday to make it what we want to and its just that one day at a time that we need to focus our thoughts and attention on. Not all the other days before and after or all the crap that keeps knocking at our door.

trying20 profile image

you make a difference

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