When I wake up I feel great...for a few moments. No anxiety, no depression...and I lie in bed just thinking...and when I finally get up...all the good, "normal" felling goes away. I get overwhelmed...and just sad that the normalcy never stays! Why does this come at all and then just leave the moment I start my day? It's like I'm in a bubble for a while, and all is well, then reality kicks in...and I'm knocked in my butt again. So discouraging! Does anyone else have a moment of feeling well that just goes away for no reason?
Does anyone else feel good for a shor... - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone else feel good for a short time, then all the bad emotions hit all at once?

Yes - you are not alone. Somedays its starts sunny and all of a sudden all you want to do is crawl back in bed. What helps me sometimes is just to delay you reaction, ie., tell yourself you'll go back to bed after you...do some chore, read a chapter of a book, etc. Alot of times it helps to bring you back up.
YES YES YES! It happens to me all the time! It’s so frustrating when you think your better. The normal feeling is so great you just want it to never go away. 😔
Yes!! This happens to me a lot. I will wake up and feel normal, but then I start body scanning and before you know it I feel like crap. Anxiety and depression have a very sneaky way of fooling us. I wish I knew the answer, but I am still trying to accept it and let it pass. It is the hardest thing I have ever experienced.
Yes. I think that’s actually pretty common.
But even just a few minutes of feeling normal is a treasure, IMHO. I try to enjoy it to the maximum extent possible. I try not to ruin it for myself by being afraid of losing it.
Yea same
For me, I can be in a great mood than all of a sudden, that good mood vanishes and I can't understand why! I do have bi-polar depression as well as clinical depression and SAD so I somtimes think those are the reasons.