One moment I'm fine then out the blue I'll have an anxiety attack or start to over think and feel anxious and edgy
Does anyone else experience this - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone else experience this

No one understands anxiety disorder. Not really understanding is terrible. Sometimes there is a cause that can be traced to an event and sometimes it comes upon me and I can't figure out why.
Yet I expect, hope, want others to understand this craziness called anxiety. Even when I venture out to explain why I'm doing the Tapping exercises, or resisting advice from others without any experience in the field, it's crushing. It IS depressing for sure.
I stay silent the last I mentioned my anxiety the person made me feel terrible like I was weak they mocked me I don't understand why people don't acknowledge it it's why I'm so grateful for you guys
You want people to acknowledge what they don't know about or understand?
We live it and still don't understand it.
Concentrate on yourself. Their reaction is their reaction. They are doing the best they can with their feelings and actions.
Whenever I feel compelled to make excuses for my actions, I can see the confusion on the listeners face. More importantly I see their fear of me and judging me.
One person tells me I can do better, do more, don't hold yourself back. "See how much more you can when you put your mind to it?" What baloney!
That hurts my feelings. However, most people leave my life just in case I'm contagious--I think that's why. I scare them.
I too am struggling with concentrating on me instead of what others think they know about me. Continue to be brave and do your best, even if it's one thing per day. That's a giant step forward in taking care of yourself instead of worrying about others.
That's something I needed to hear!! I really appreciate that I guess I'm a little selfish around the edges and want someone that understands me and wont walk away it's a journey on loving myself I'm succeeding 🙂I guess I need to stop expecting too much and stay focus on what matters most thank you for that
Yes I get out of the blue anxiety and I don't know why it came on. I can be sat watching tv n all of a sudden my heart beat has increased and then my breathing changes n suddenly start feeling that nausea, n then my mind starts thinking why is my body feeling anxious, so then I start tracing back what popped in my mind to make me anxious so I can calm my mind and body down and can't think of anything as was just watching tv and it wasn't an anxious programme I was watching.
No idea what triggers it....I find the anxiety that comes out of the blue goes pretty fast, like within 5 minutes, when I've taken some deep breaths looked around to see there's nothing to be anxious about and had a cup of tea.
I sometimes get it when I'm asleep n it wakes me up....that usually lasts longer than 5 minutes tho cos it's dark n quiet so the mind can go to whatever is worrying you in day to day life, I usually have to get up when it does that to stop me over thinking my problems
I have to say I love your name when I see it raining I say thank you for watering my garden
🌷 jo
Absolutely. I mean sometimes there is a method to the madness. Easiest way I can describe is going to work (which to me is like walking into a chamber of hell) where the lights are dim, outside air is a minute or two walk, and the morale is awful. So when I'm heading into work, anxiety creeps up...the what if questions begin. That's explainable. Feeling fine and it comes on, I think that's where we anxious folks are wired differently. Where our brain is hypersensitive and the neurons in our brain begin to fire warning signals to awaken the anxiety beast. This happens out of the blue likely because it's just the way we are....or programmed. Whatever it might be. In this moment, if possible, I try to catch what might have been a small detail that began it. Also remember that in technical terms, panic has no rhyme or reason at all. It comes on suddenly, so it could be a form of panic...which to me panic and anxiety seem to be fairly all for one and one for all.
The good thing I'll mention is the lower the anxiety and edginess, the quicker I can begin to take action and not let things escalate. Many times, I do mindful things like identify I don't feel right account the anxiety, plop on my ear buds, and begin a mindfulness session that has me engaged enough to not pay much attention to the edge and anxiousness. If I do catch this feeling early, I seem to get back to a more restful state.
Also, reading below....soon to be above...I'm sorry anyone gave you any sort of negative thoughts towards explaining anxiety. I've told my story to others and it's always the same, "OOOOH, yeah, I felt like that before once. I had a panic/anxiety attack driving on a bridge (or whatever scenario)!" Okay, great, now, remember how terrible that felt, and do it several times to pretty much all day for, as far as you know, forever. This blows their mind. "You feel like that....all day long....and on?" Yes, sometimes I do. I had anxiety diagnosed in 2001 and I had no idea what it was. At all. I just graduated high school and thought my anxiety was a heart attack because...what's anxiety? Shortly after being questioned whether I was high on drugs, my drug test showed I was clean and the doctor finally explained I "just" (a favorite term of mine) had an anxiety attack. For about ten years, it easier to say I was a doctor and couldn't show my face for a day because you know...anxiety sucks and no one really got it. I feel like the perception and understanding is improving, but it's truly one of those "until you've been there" things. So, I'm really sorry it was mocked or even made you feel weak. It's apparently found some of the most famous or intelligent human beings (Abe Lincoln, Charles Darwin, and on and on) suffered.
Anyway, sorry for the long post, but yep, I feel this way often. And again, a huge "meh" to those who have made you feel weak. Take care for now and I hope you experience less of these type of days or moments
Comes out of nowhere for me. I getting up and walking helps. Meditation. It all sounds easy, I know - and it’s not easy. In bad cases - only Xanax helps.
Yes! I just posted about this! All my life my anxiety has manifested in dreams that wake me up with panic attacks and make sleep impossible but lately it's been so random. Like today, I am not stressed about anything and nothing happened but yet I began panicking while I was sitting on the couch watching TV. I'm sorry to say I don't know how to help you but you definitely aren't alone.
It happens to me sometimes. I try to journal and see if I can find a trigger. If you can figure out why you feel this way you can find ways to avoid the things that get you to this point.