Anyone else laying around totally defeated and completely depressed? Or is it just me? I'm Probably alone on this being that most all ppl are out having fun doing things. Iv e always been alone since being a child so its not a new ferling. Looking forward to trying antidepressant again cause cbd oil just isn't working good anymore. Wish it was but can't snap out of this extreme depression. I wish,I could be anyone but me most days!!! So sick of being sick and tired. Depressed, suicidal etc while my family treats me like only a mental illness and not a human being. All of life is so depressing!! The only good thing is having car and maddie my puppers!! If it wasn't for her I would definitely check out of cruel society!!! Hope the rest of you are enjoying your memorial day!! Oh plus I lost my best dog Cheyenne on memorial day so that just adds to my sadness.....π
Sad memorial day...π’: Anyone else... - Anxiety and Depre...
Sad memorial day...π’

beautiful dog god bless her/him hope you have many years of joy with the pup.
Hi kenster1! Yea Cheyenne was the best. But now have maddie so trying to do the best for her! Cheyenne is in the big pic and Maddies in my name pic.
I will never forget my last dogs passing april fools day I had to put her to sleep same date my dad died.
Oh gosh I'm so sorry !!! In very sorry for your losses! Two has got to be extremely hard. Especially on same day. What do you do to get thru on April 1st? All I can do,is think happy,times. What kind of dog was he or she? May your father rest in peace!!
hi it was a mongrel 16 years old great little dog so it was.april 1st just gone was my dads 1st anniversary but when it was my dog I ran out the vets back door in tears that was 11 year ago.went straight out and got my current dog a patterdale terrier cant live without a dog at home.
Oh very cool!! Yea being we have them as our family its hard especially having them over a decade it just makes it so very painful to lose such an important family member!! I totally agree living without a dog is miserable!!! I had to wait 7 years without a dog since Cheyenne passed to finally get dog again. It was beyond painful!!! Having a dog again is just PawsomeπΎπΎπΎππ
I'm sorry you are having a bad day and about your doggie. My family is cooking out and watching movies together but I have been in my room alone since I got up five hours ago and that's where I will stay until bedtime. I never have anything to say to them and I feel stupid. Also it would be a shock to them if I came out. We live with mil and I have been doing this for two years. They hate me for it. I can't change it. π£

Melhall it's not you they hate but the sickness that robs us of
our lives. I miss the cookouts with my family as well as playing cards
and laughing and just being me. We can't go back but we can go forward
while we still have everyone around us. Love & Hugs xx
Thank youπ

I'm so sorry your dealing with same feeling!! All I've done is lay in bed. I too did it all my life!!! In Vegas I layed in bed for the most part unless I had a Drs appt or had to go to grocery store. Back in WA I spent my whole life hiding in bed not wanting to deal with ppl,always judging me. I'd rather be at peace in bed safe!!! Like Agora1 said they don't hate ya they probably want ya with them. Bet they love ya lots and lots!!! My family can't stand me but fake the "caring". I'm just a huge mental illness to them!!!
I'm sorry. Maybe they don't hate you either. My real family I know does like my siblings who I haven't talked to in decades. I should be nicer to my husband's family. They do love me. They just don't understand me. No one does except for some real special people here. π

Yea it only seems like the ppl on here are the only real ppl who,understand us cause we can all relate to,one another!!! That's a nice thing to have ppl who get you when nobody else seems to!! My family,only loves with money not,actually caring or compassion. Its unfortunate but,no one ever calls or anything. If they ask and I mean if they do they just call my,mother. Never me. I'm just some mental illness they don't want to deal with!! Don't care anymore. I'm glad to hear you have family around that truly cares with their heart!! I can only wish for that but after 46 years I'm too old to give a damn anymoreπ
Thank you. We can be your family. π€

Thank you cause you guys are the only ppl,I have that truly understand how devastating these feelings are and how frustrating it,is to deal with it day in and day out so I thank you πππ
Honestly me everyday β€οΈ