My Dr recently upped me to 30mg of Prozac once a day and I told him it made me feel more anxious and nervous. He said, no, it doesn't act that fast. Plus I have had horrible morning anxiety...and...for the last few months, terrible fatigue and increasing weakness...Vit D Rx helped me a couple of months ago, but I was 3 pts above (the "too low" mark blood test from 3 weeks ago) so he did nothing. I was on 20mg of Prozac for about 5 months...but it seems to 'do nothing' for me right now. During our phone appt. last week, my Dr seemed very aggravated with me ..I try not to be a whiner and be in good spirits. But I just don't know what to do. Your advice/suggestions would really be appreciated (thank you!) from Betty
Not sure what to do: My Dr recently... - Anxiety and Depre...
Not sure what to do

From my experience with medication I am highly sensitive to it, so I feel affects right away and know when something is bothering me as far as anxiety or heightened senses. Please do not feel like it's just you because it is not. I cannot tell you what to do as far as your doctor. But please know that it is not uncommon to feel the effects so fast. Just try to calm yourself. I know how uncomfortable this can be. I've been in your shoes SEVERAL times. Finally changed my doc and he did a genetic test to CONFIRM I was intolerant to a LOT of the meds I had bad reactions to.
I had a huge problem with Prozac honestly felt like jumping out the window. If I would lay in bed I would jump up immediately. Of course as others have said no one wants to believe it.
I've had reactions going off and on meds that I was told wouldn't cause issues. Our body chemistry is all different as well as our sensitivity to the chemical going in and out of our bodies.
I would tell him you feel like he's not listening to you or taking you seriously. Do you have a GP that could intervene for you and talk to the psychiatrist?
Get a second opinion with a doctor who treats depression and anxiety
Hi Betty30, I love the little Angels on your lap x
As for the way you are feeling after the doctor upped your medication by 10 mg, I can
tell you that it makes a significant difference in your body until your brain reaches the
efficacy level of chemicals. I just recently was upper by 5mg on my Lexapro. I too noticed
some anxiety breaking through but accepted it as an adjustment period.
As for morning anxiety, that is probably the number one complaint with many of us including myself. However, fatigue and increasing weakness should always be looked
into by your doctor. Low levels of Vit D can cause that but again, we are not doctors so
cannot advise short of you seeking out a second opinion. You should never be made to
feel as if you are a burden or nuisance to your doctor. Never. I hope you get some
answers for your issue. After you do, I can help you with your morning anxiety. xx
I have tried Prozac, it had the same effect on me, I was more nervous, felt like I was jumping out of my skin. One of side effects of Prozac is nervousness, I guess it works differently on everyone. My doc also didn’t believe me, ( actually wanted to increase my dose) but I insisted on med change and went to Zoloft. Doctors do not know everything, maybe it’s time to get new doc
The anxiety should subside in a few weeks. If not there are a lot more medications out there to try.
I get so pissed at doctors because they claim we “shouldn’t feel anything” on day 1, when tapering off small amounts..
Let’s put it this way. If you took ecstasy, wouldn’t you feel something..? Obviously. Why would they think we wouldn’t feel anything from antidepressants?