Hey guys and girls....
Im zoe and if i am honest ive been struggling alot lately with intrusive thoughts my doctors put it down to circumstantial which at the time would be understandable i was in temporary accomadation a single mother of 2 for a year....
Thing is that was 2 years ago the only thing im coming up with on google is that its a form of ocd i always have them and there always about my girls it could be anything falling of a slide down the stairs to being hit by a bus or smashing there heads open layest one was falling on a knife and they are as clear as day even the aftermath. It gives me so much anxiety i find im now a bit overbearing i really worry about everything that can be a safety concern and when i have them i feel horrible . I havent come across one person that i have spoken too has experienced anthing like this so its hard to talk to someone that can really relate to me and understand what its like i swear i feel like people think its a reflection of myself like i want these things to happen by their reactions but infact its the opposite entirely Im not sure if i have any other symptoms i kind of just obbsess about the things i notice than too look out for other syptoms of things as im sure i could convince myself i have everyone i would read just these thoughts are not shifting i can go weeks without one then then 4 in a day. I just need to know some ways to get rid of them or how i can ignore them or channel them instead of into a pile of depression
Sorry for the long post i think i just nedded a rant 😬😬