Hi guys I’m 21 years old have generalised anxiety disorder and have been out of work for 8 months. This isn’t really a support question more of an asking an option of impartial observers. So over the last 8 months I’ve withdrawn more socially but have had sporadic periods of social interactions I just don’t really feel like going out on much happier at home. Where as I used to love going out all the time before my panics started etc now there’s always something in the back of my head saying I need to go home. Anyway I digress when I chose to leave my job in August one of my best friends said to me that my life was meaningless now. Understandably I’ve been annoyed at him ever since and my brother continues to pal around with him like there is no issue. This friend has made no effort to come and see me knowing fully well the situation I’m in and actively excludes me from events. In my opinion. I’ve been friends with him for over a decade as has my brother. Do you think it is fair for me to be annoyed at my brother and friend and feel as if this has further compounded my self esteem issues or should I understand that it’s my fault for letting this anxiety dominate me and try and go it’s more because I won’t get invited places if I don’t go out? This has really stated to make me feel just awful about myself additionally my friend continuously tells me I’m a shadow of my former self.
Any help or advice would be great I know this isn’t necessarily anxiety symptoms but it’s a consequence of it