Feeling super alone! All I have in my life are my kids and Hubby but that isn’t enough!! I have no friends no one likes me. What is wrong with me? I’m not a bad person. I’ve been having real bad days arguing with my Hubby cause I feel alone and sad and find myself with no one to talk to! Ugh this shit sucks. I hate when his response to me is “you can talk to me babe”? No I can’t. I need a friend. I’m 37 too old to make friends?
No friends FOREVER ALONE!!: Feeling... - Anxiety and Depre...
No friends FOREVER ALONE!!

Your husband cares about you and trying to help. He loves you and wants you to be happy. Cut him some slack.
As far as making friends....try to figure out something that interests you or a hobby you enjoy. Look for a local group with similar interests and join it. You can make great friendships that way. I like hockey, so I joined a casual beer league that I play in. I’ve made some great friends with guys I’ve met playing. My mother in law moved here a few years ago. She didn’t know anyone. She was big into the gardening society in her last town. She joined a few gardening groups here and now has so many friends.
It’s just a matter of getting out and doing it. You might look for Facebook groups based in your area and start there. Those online friendships can turn into real life friendships.
Hope you find what you need.
Hey. I’m 31 and I would love to be your friend. I’m quite antisocial and I don’t have friends, also I’m a foreign in the country I live in, even if I don’t find myself one. You are blessed with your lovey hubby, I wish my one was like that; unfortunately all he says is that I’m nuts and a freak. In the big reality, mostly people are quite cold and this days also narcissistic so I don’t think it’s just your problem. You will find the right people on the right time. For the moment start to love yourself and spend time just you and appreciate it to let space for other to do the same. Hugs and kisses
hi your partner should be the first person you talk to about how your feeling.then your doctor and other family members.your never to old to make new friends either maybe get out into the world and try out new things and meet new friends that way.
I'm not a church goer or anything like that but a few years ago I was suffering really bad and I knocked on the priests door not expectingch but he took me in gave me a coffee and listened to my troubles for hours.would you do something similar.anything is worth a go as its not good to keep on bottling things up inside.
that's good that you have a person other than your partner to talk to.fingers crossed it works out.
Never too old to make friends, but opportunities like school are not necessarily there.
Hi VirgoMum13, I feel the same as you. Although my hubby says I can talk to him I feel I can’t. He makes me feel worse even if he doesn’t mean to. Bc of something that happened I don’t trust him. He always interrupts me with advice when all I want is to vent. I need girlfriends and it’s hard to make new friends the older one gets and when suffers from depression and anxiety. You can chat with me whenever you like. I could use the conversation. I’m 43 with two little girls.

Hi pika1202. Wow he does the same thing. Instead of hearing me out he starts telling me stuff....if I say to please be quiet it starts a big fight. Just yesterday he told me oh you’ve been acting funny these last few days I bet you’re seeing someone else! I was like wtf seriously when all I do is talk to you when I’m at work and come straight home. Leave my phone around him yeah I know the feeling. I also don’t trust my husband because of something that happened. Thanks for offering to talk. It’s hard making friends at this age. Even though I don’t feel old at all and either are you but it’s hard. Message me whenever you want. 🤗
Sometimes I just want a little sympathy and he makes it into a competition like who is more tired and who deserves to be more tired. Or if I complain about my mom he feels he can put her down and blames her for my depression. He is also close to his mom so he tells her everything and my family is super private. Even I don’t always know what’s going on with other family members. Just maybe that they are going through something and need support but his mom is always telling us everything going on with everyone else so I feel she does the same with my ‘business’. And they clearly don’t understand depression so I can’t really share everything. I made that mistake last year.

Hey Pika. Can totally relate to that! You can also message me if you like. 😁💖☮️
When I would complain about his mom not big complaints bc I’m not super mean he would tell her. I knew bc she would act differently but facetiously. When I would confront him he would say well how is she suppose to know what’s wrong and fix it. My mom adores him and I told him if I told her the stuff he has said to me about her she would have a heart attack. What about husband wife confidentiality? And bc I would get upset when he interrupts me now when I interrupt him he freaks out. But when i interrupt it’s with a one sentence comment not a freaking soliloquy.

Yes I completely understand. I’m not mean either but she has come to me with attitude before and I just can’t keep quiet. She’s nice and adores him as well but he just doesn’t get the way I feel. We just argued about that again and he again says talk to him and go ahead and make friends but it’s easier said than done!! I can’t talk to him it’s not the same.
You can talk to me. As see you probably tell I’m constantly checking my phone bc I need people to talk to also.
VirgoMum13, You've proved that having people around you doesn't guarantee that you won't be lonely. One can be lonely in a room full of people. Having friends can be nice but having anxiety takes it's toll on how long they will stay around. 37y.o. is far from being too old to make friends. If you want friends, take the first step. Have a few women over for coffee and. Just chat. Volunteer. Join groups. It's still not a guarantee that you will meet people who have the same interests as you or are what you are looking for in a friend. That is why it is so important to be your own best friend. Confident and secure enough in your own skin. Keep yourself busy learning anything and everything. Get into a hobby that will take up some time as well as give you a feeling of accomplishment in life. Many people are lonely especially as they get older. You are a youngster compared to the aged sitting at home day after day.
When you think of how alone you are, reverse that thought to a more positive one as to what you are able to do. As long as you are able to Think, See, Hear and Move, the world is waiting at the door for you. We'll be your virtual friends xx
You can message me. I’m 30 now and am married but with no kids yet. I currently don’t really have friends. I think with my health, etc it’s kind of isolated me. I used to be out and about more and I guess I had friends then but not really now. I know the feeling. Feel free to chat with me. 😁💖☮️
You are absolutely not too old to make friends. I speak from experience. I was very backward socially and felt that no one liked me. After a considerable amount of therapy I was able to take baby steps toward making friends, and now have a few good ones. It is easier if you join some sort of group. Then you see the same people frequently and with small overtures on your part friendships can gradually form. It is helpful to work on this with a therapist.
It's hard to make friends and keep friends for me, I never know what I do wrong when I seem to loose a friend or someone stops returning calls, emails, texts... I wonder if I come on too strong or just plain ware my friends out. It's the same with family, it's very isolating. It would be nice to have even just one good buddy! I can't say I have had a best friend as an adult, my last best friend was in 4th grade. I thought I had a close friend but realized after reading an article about trying too hard that you shouldn't be the one always initiating contact. I looked through my phone records, texts and emails and found I am the one that always calls, texts or emails first, she has not initiated contact with me in my records.
Hi, I'd like to be your friend. I'm far away though I think. I'm 29 and have been travelling for studies a lot. Didn't maintain any friendships from my childhood or teens. Recently went through a breakup and came back to my hometown. So trying to meet new people and make new friends. I come from a culture where that's quite difficult. Once people are in groups they don't let new people in

So true! I would also like to be your friend. Message me anytime. I’m always here. 💕
I see that I am 3 months late for this, but how are you doing now VirgoMum? I'm relatively new here.
I am also 37 and completely understand the trouble making friends; my fiance and I both have that difficulty. I am here if you want a friend to talk to. Message me anytime.
I know how you feel, minus the caring supportive husband and young ones. My family right now is my 10 yr old pup, and I tell her everything. Without a way to relate to my family, we have little to talk about. Right now I am satisfied with solo hobbies and when the time is right, I know others will join in.
I'm a Virgo too!! Not an easy sign to be. My moom is in Virgo too. How are you doing now?