A few days ago I broke up with my boyfriend after I found out he’s been cheating on me and lying the whole time. I’ve never felt more worthless or depressed. I have great friends but they don’t understand that it’s more than just the break up. It’s my anxiety and depression. I can’t eat anything or i feel sick. My medication is not helping. Nothing is. I’ve never felt more alone.
Friends... : A few days ago I broke up... - Anxiety and Depre...

My gf cheated on me, and I found out out on the 12th of March. I found out she was cheating on me over spring break...what a wonderful break off of school. I lost a total of 12 pounds because of all this. If my ex gf was willing, I would get back together with her in a heartbeat I love her soooo much!! This new guy that she loves, just got out of a over 1 year relationship 2 Wednesday's ago, she also claims that he is one that she wants to be with forever. She has reassured me after we talked about what happened, "My bottom line is we are never getting back together, and you need to accept that and move on." It is hard for me, my depression got me so down I got suicidal, I am not now but was for many many days. I have continued taking my medicine, but I get really bad muscle spasms that strain my neck and belly. I started taking the all natural "Formula 303" and it has helped me calm down so much. Keep in mind it would have been a year with my ex in a week. I know exactly what you are going through.
Jared, you still love her, but she's not worth your good love. I know it hurts and your mind will try to find 1,000 excuses to contact her again and maybe even feel it's your fault. It isn't. Time will eventually heal your wounds or at least ease the pain. You have your whole life ahead and someone will be very lucky to be by your side.
Hi Jared. Sorry for my late response.. thank you for sharing that with me. I’m sorry this is all happening to you. It makes me wonder why all the bad things happen to good people. Worst part of all is my ex owes me money. I know, I’ve learned from my mistake but now I just want to never think about him again. It’s a large sum of money though so I can’t let it go.. here if you wanna talk ❤️ hope you’re doing ok
Hello ceelovestea
So sorry to hear this I really am
Being cheated on in my eyes is one of the worse things that can happen to you as I think it can destroy you for a while,
When people cheat they do so much damage like break your self respect,self esteem, you feel worthless and unloved you question yourself over and over and it goes on and on..
I can't understand why people choose to cheat if they not happy then just end the relationship and walk away it won't have such a lasting effect as being cheating on does.
You will move on eventually but you wont ever forgive them for hurting you so much...
But just remember your far too good a person to be put through this
Here if you need to talk as I too have been badly cheated on
Nat x
Hi Nat! Thank you for responding to me. It made me feel better! I’m doing great actually, happy for once without him. But I do have a problem, he owes me money.. I want to look the other way but it’s a lot and it is money I need. I learned my lesson and I just want him to pay... I had to chat with him to as him for money since my car broke down and I can’t believe I ever loved such a selfish liar.. it’s quite ridiculous. I am doing great and I have my moments, but right now I’ll just sit and cry ...
they cheat while still in a relationship because they are cowards, they want their cake and eat it to....once the trust is broken....there is no going back for me....if they did it once, I don't care what anyone says.....they'll do it again...and even if they say they won't....I would not ever be able to trust them....some people do work through it, not me.
I'm so sorry your going through that pain. It's horrible to feel betrayed and lied to. But you are not the one who lied....they did....and you are not the one who broke the trust....they did.....you are a good person who had someone do bad things to you. Someone you loved and trusted did the worst possible thing to you....and that makes them in the wrong...nothing is wrong with you but a broken heart, and that does not make you worthless...and heck yeah your hurting...and with depression and anxiety being already something your dealing with, it's especially hard. Friends and family often mean well, but for me it took some therapy too, and you may want to talk to your doctor about your meds., they may want to adjust them for you during this time in your life. Take care of yourself....you deserve to be loved....
Hi my dear friend. Thank you so much for this. It meant a lot to me! I’m happy to say that I’m doing better.. I feel less stressed without him here. But of course there are times where I feel worthless... he has lied so many times to me and I just cant believe I was so stupid..... he is a bad person and I wish I knew that earlier. I try to be a good person, but maybe I was too good to him. Here if you need a friend as well. Thank you ❤️
the only one worthless is him for lying and cheating....your beautiful and loveable, and it's his loss...once the thrill is gone with this re-bound relationship, If he tries to come back, don't let him back in...many do that...don't. You move on and don't look back. Take this relationship as a lesson learned, remember good things later, and now you know what you do and don't want in the next relationship. We grieve, we learn, we grow, and move forward to something better later. You will....I promise....it does get better. But you have to do the work, no back tracking or thinking you did anything wrong, it's not your fault they were a coward.
Hi It's nothing you have done or not done which made him cheat so you are not at fault in any way shape or form. What your ex has done says far more about him than you and karma will get him in the end.
Of course you are feeling sad as we all do when a relationship ends but it's very early days yet. Take some time to lick your wounds and retreat into yourself for a while. You will soon start feeling a bit better then you can let your friends help you. x
Hello friend! Thank you very much for this. I needed it. I’ve been doing much better although I have my moments. I still can’t get over the fact that he lied to me, but that’s his problem not mine. I only wish I knew how to stop his face from showing up in my mind
Hi, He's the one with the problem, not you. You were faithful and caring, he was dishonest. As much as it hurt, he's not the person you thought he was and it's good that you knew it sooner, not later.
The pain will last for a while as you have to mourn what you've lost, but anyway, you didn't lose the nice person you thought he was. Once you realize that, you'll stand up and open your heart again to a person that really loves you.
Your friends may not understand the whole thing, but it's good that they try their best to cheer you up. You're not alone. <3
Hi my friend, thank you for replying! I needed to hear all this. It’s been over a week and I’m doing better. I feel happier. I sleep better at night.. but there are times where I just feel lots of hate boil up inside of me and I want to punch something. Thanks for being here for me and I’ll be here if you need someone to listen ❤️
I'm so glad to know that you're doing better! I think it's normal that you feel anger at times, but maybe some exercise can help you release energy and reduce those episodes. It happened to me after being left that I felt so deeply sad and guilty but, as time passed, I realized how nice it was to be free and in full control of my life again.
Please send me a message if you need to talk, I'll do the same with you