anxiety: hi my name is Jessica and I am... - Anxiety and Depre...

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jessfeelslikeamess profile image

hi my name is Jessica and I am here to seek support from people who might understand me a bit better. I have dealt with anxiety my entire life. Of course, before going to college I didn't know what anxiety even was because the people around me labeled my attacks as being overdramatic or exaggerative. Also, mental health in general seems to be placed on the back burner for some odd reason so (personally) as far as making it a priority in my life, it's been a no-go (up until now). Anyway, my anxiety levels seem to be skyrocketing lately and my panic attacks feel like they last longer. Now that I am more in tune with my mental health I have been more active in the self-care/treatment department like more exercise, healthier diet, and meditation. However, it can be hard to uphold that regime when anxiety pays a visit. I have never seen a mental health professional (although I am in the process), but I do have a mentor who advised me to seek support via this community. So with that said, I welcome anyone to send me words of encouragement or tips, knowledge, ANYTHING on the matter.. My hope is to be heard and validated.

[I do want to mention that I have been debating whether to post this message or not because anxiety does not dictate my life, but it does interfere with it to a level that is often detrimental to my physical health.]

Thank you so much for taking the time to read <3

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7 Replies
borahae profile image


Sorry to hear that your mental health and anxiety have not been taken seriously by those around. It's really tough when you don't have the support.

I've suffered anxiety for years, but it had gotten significantly worse a few months ago, so I'm also trying to learn and understand how to cope with anxiety too!

As for me, when I'm experiencing an attack, I would always deep breathe and if I can, listen to music, and I'll repeat "Everything is going to be okay" over and over in my head.

Hopefully you will feel better after seeking a psychologist and/or psychiatrist (I'm also in the process of finding one).

It's good that you're actively taking care of yourself more! It's hard with anxiety, but persevere! Good luck! All the best.

Kat63 profile image

Thank you for coming here - we are glad to have you. It sounds to me like you are doing all the right things to address your anxiety.

I know it’s hard, when you’re in the thick of it, to maintain the everyday things that help your overall health and specifically anxiety (like exercise, meditation, healthy eating.) That’s because those are things you have to do every day over a period of time. And when you’re really anxious, you just want it to stop NOW. You mentioned that you plan to see a professional soon. If they can prescribe medication, that might help. If they do talk therapy, that can address underlying issues.

And you can come here anytime to talk and listen. We are glad to have you.

Welcome, feel free to chat with us anytime that you need to get things off your chest. I literally just joined a couple days ago and this seems to be a very supportive group of people either similar battles. We are all here for one another. :)

Mine have been rearing their head again, i have sought out help from counseling as well as med management (which i truly hate).

when i get anxious, i have been trying to use a method called "floating" through it. That is, i am aware it is happening, i just stand to the side, say come on and do your worst (because i know that it is just my mind in overdrive), take deep breaths and recite the serenity prayer. It is uncomfortable for a little while, but then its done and i move on.

always remember that you are in control, don't succumb to the fear because that is what is driving this. You can do this, you are strong.

Fleurbaby profile image

Hi jess,

I too was born with the problem, as such went over 55 years without thinking anything was wrong with my own mental health!

It was getting desperate and with diagnosis of COPD, it became clear, my GP said straight away that I have G.A.D. the penny dropped, it became clear instantly, what it was I had always suffered from! All the mixed up feelings etc. of my life came together, the jigsaw was finished!

I still have a lot of chronic anxiety and depression in the future to face, but, I have not seen the "Black Dog " for a long while.

I still have episodes where I am sitting or talking to someone & I have just started crying for no reason.

Take care, you are amongst friends, ok?

Jess - welcome - it sounds like you are doing so many things that help and seeking out counselling is smart as well as reaching out to find others who know/understand what you are feeling. It's tough knowing what try to on your own. Sometimes pushing / ignoring things, makes them be bigger / louder / worse when the pain/emotion - in this case the panic breaks through our defences - to get our attention. I was good at always "doing" and ignored a lot of what I felt or had to hold it together. So it was like a tsunami when it hit me.

I've been trying to breathe through - I ask myself is this feeling pleasant and unpleasant (of course it's hell) - where do I feel it in my body - to no resistant -- try to look around and colours, 4 corners of the room - to ground myself. But I'm not an very good about anxiety ... having only had major anxiety for 3 months so trying things to figure what works. And I try to do the "normal stuff" - got to my exercise class, go out to activities, keep myself occupied. Not escape, but have breaks - I'll read now for a break, I'll watch the VOICE. There are many shows (with violence even a bit or negativity or negative people) - I just avoid - they just pile on and trigger. Just till I'm stronger... not planning on avoiding - just minimizing and keeping myself steady.

I have started a "careful" mediation practice--- which I know for many people with anxiety may not work at all -- but it helps me. I found listening to these 2 talks from Tara Brach and her RAIN short 10 minute mediation really helpful when I'm only a bit anxious ...Part 1 - Healing Anxiety - How Meditation Frees Us - Tara Brach - there's a part 2.

snow_queen profile image

Welcome Jessica! Glad you’re here 😊 I’m kind of in the same boat where depression and anxiety make day to day life harder, but I’m able to make it work, so I also kind of pushed off dealing with my mental health and I’m trying to address it more now. Try to remember that even if you can live with your issues, that doesn’t mean you don’t deserve a better quality of life or that you shouldn’t get help. Best of luck ❤️

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