One of my strengths is empathy.This experience has been scary and interesting. I think in one of my previous posts I shared that I had never experienced anxiety or panic at such a heightened level to where I couldn’t focus or function day to day. I was overthinking what could be causing these feelings and going in circles thinking about the cause bc I really didn’t know. Maybe it was my reaction to phentermine. Maybe it was school related stress. Maybe it was diet related. But then something else happened. Ok so long story short spent the day with hubby and he mentioned a co worker who was fired, I felt this unknown source of energy, I had goosebumps and didn’t know why. Then we got home from airport and he had to tell his mom some life changing news .I went in kitchen and felt this weird wave of anxiety and I even shivered. Ok so then I sit down away from them and felt at ease almost instantly. Then it hit me. This isn’t your energy so I did it again.... walked over and walked away. Then I confronted him that evening about how I felt the tension or energy of the room and he told me he had been stressed for weeks( about the same time I started having anxiety and panic) but something was unsettling and I asked him if there was anything else bc I still felt like he wasn’t telling me everything. Hours later he tells me about an unexpected trip and that’s when I felt like I was normal me again. And I’ve been feeling like me ever since.... yesterday. And it all started bc we have been fighting. And I even shiver when he walks by too close bc we can’t even talk to each other without arguing. Like it almost feels like a wave of energy goes through me. I told my therapist and acupuncturist about this and they know I’m an empath but is it possible I could be picking up on his energy bc he tends to keep everything in and I’m an open book, I’m not scared to be transparent or vulnerable bc I believe that sharing my journey can help me find solutions or help someone else. If this is what’s happening how can I control this? I hate avoiding him but rn I feel like this is my only choice. I don’t know how else to explain this but I feel normal, like me but I get random goosebumps and shiver even feel nervous when he is near rn n it’s soooooooo weird. (14 year marriage ppl!)Ok I’m sorry this is so long but what is this!? lol omg really hope y’all don’t think I’m crazy I just don’t understand what is happening. Before I go I just want to share what I have done: this group support, seeing a therapist, acupuncture, traditionalchinese medicine, cbd, sage my house, prayer, exercise, being more social and going out more, staying busy by going shopping or visiting family or friends, I had priest come bless my house, and I did take short term anxiety medicine through my primary doctor , taking supplements like magnesium potassium n b complex,nutrient rich shakes. Like I have been soooo proactive about this! I’m a fighter I have always been... this is why I m still seeking answers. This bothers me so much anyway I apologize for the novel ppl but I had to share this! Blessings to all!
Is it possible that I’m picking up on... - Anxiety and Depre...
Is it possible that I’m picking up on someone else’s anxiety

I've been on phentermine and it can make you extremely anxious, raise pulse and BP and cause serious heart problems. Be careful. It's so not worth it.

I took phentermine around July of last year and only took it for a week, and I felt great had more energy but the last day I decided to do a strenuous work out and I recall overthinking negative stuff about my marriage and boom had anxiety attack but I stopped using it right there too just out of precaution and you are so right it’s not worth it. At one point my therapist suggested I might need to consider taking meds to balance that out but I didn’t need it thank goodness! I’ve lost more weight with anxiety than with any workout or diet which is messed up. Thanks for sharing bc ppl need to know it’s not worth it!
Glad you stopped. I did too. 😉
HI. You seem like a lovely person. I am sorry you are dealing with these anxiety issues. You don't mention why you are on the phentermine. It can be a very difficult drug with many side effects, as others have pointed out. I hope you seek medical advice as soon as possible. You may want to consider not placing too much emphasis on your feelings in your marriage until you get the side effects of the medications you are on figured out. 14 years married! Thats wonderful! Taking the time to focus in on your marriage, and what issues you may need to get resolved with one another may go a long way in helping you feel better overall. Have the two of you considered couples counseling? Few marriages can get by without some support every once in a while. I encourage you to consider that. You mention that you are a praying woman! That is my full foundation by which I live my life. Without Jesus I don't know who I would be. If you have a bible I would recommend reading Colossians or Ephesians - both great books that can encourage you in both your own life and in your marriage! I will be praying for you!
I’m not on phentermine anymore. I was in it for a week last year around July and I had my first anxiety attack after leaving the gym after an intense workout while on it so I never used it again. We were doing marriage counseling last year as well but our therapist wanted my husband to get one on one sessions with another therapist bc he needed to sort out himself before continuing with our sessions. And it never happened. Thank you for your kind words and advice! Thank you for praying for me, that in itself really is amazing have a blessed day