Does anyone have any experience with Tritellix?
Also, do you know how Tritellix compares to Lexapro?
Does anyone have any experience with Tritellix?
Also, do you know how Tritellix compares to Lexapro?
I have been on Trintellix now for about 5 years. It has been a good medication for depression with no side effects for me. Over the past year though, I have developed generalized anxiety disorder. Since Lexapro is supposed to be good for both depression and anxiety, I’m in the process of switching over to it. I just started the transition this week. I hope it will be a good med for me and help me with both the depression and anxiety. Have you been on Lexapro? If so, what has been your experience?
Thank you. I took Lexapro many years ago that I can’t even remember the effects. I know Lexapro is a lot less expensive than Trintellix. I’m going to get it at a Canadian pharmacy. I was on Cymbalta for many years but didn’t know if it really helped. Now that I’m completely off the 120mg, I feel weepy and bleak.
In my transition from Trintellix to Lexapro, I decreased my dosage of Trintellix drastically before adding Lexapro. I have been having periods of intense depression since then so I know the Trintellix did work for depression. I’m hoping as the Lexapro dosage increases the depression will go away and the anxiety will lessen.
I hope you didn’t get off the Trintellix too quickly especially since it was so helpful for your depression. Did you decrease the dosage as you increased the Lexapro and were you under a doctor’s care when you made this transition? Is it possible that’s why you felt so depressed so quickly? If the Trintellix worked so well for you, can you stay on that and possibly add something that would help your anxiety? Just a thought.
Those are all good thoughts. I think I did decrease the Trintellix to quickly without increasing the Lexapro fast enough. I am under a doctors care and we are increasing the Lexapro more quickly now. I have tried adding things to the the Trintellix to address the anxiety, but nothing’s really worked for me. We had the thought that the Trintellix may have been contributing to my anxiety too since I had to take such a high dose to get results. Anyway if your thinking of Trintellix for depression , I would give it a try. I think it’s a good med for depression. As for me, I’m still just looking for the right drug or combo that will address my problems and not give me bad side effects.