I haven’t done much recently but sometimes everything is just too much and I want to stop completely but it’s hard.
Does anyone have any advice on how to... - Anxiety and Depre...
Does anyone have any advice on how to not cut?

hi 🌸 this is a tuff one, I know. each situation is different so the urge can be more at different times. I try to reason with myself to see do i really need to cut right now instead to maybe wait til later and then hopefully later I'm calmer and can avoid the situation altogether. there has been times when it hasn't worked but selfharm is difficult at the best of times. At my DBT lessons some advice was to do other things that can involve skin and sense of touch. one is to get really cold water and keep splashing your face, hold an ice cube in your hand til you can't. Or do something that is self soothing, makes you feel better like music, bubble bath, favourite food. I know at the time it seems that nothing is going to work but if you try a few things before you get the urge you can know what may help. Good luck going forward. one moment at a time 🌸
hi alex,well sometimes you need to stop refresh and start again im afrade.im 75
live alone in a big detached house with garage to one side a carport to the other
garden front larger one at back,wy am I telling you all this says you,well who looks
after all this is me and no one else im a gardener,painter,cleaner.electrision,i dearly
would like a day off no chance theirs shopping to do now so if I had time id love to join
you allex
rub ice cubes over wrists draw lines on arms with red marker pens even put elastic bands on your arms.those simple things can be helpful to you.
draw on your arm, name the people who love you, go on a walk, talk to a friend, talk to someone, go out, don't be alone when you are feeling bad. im tying to stop cutting to, so I understand how hard it is
You could try and visualize it down to the detail without doing it. I do that now. It helps. Maybe not 100% but quite a bit. At the same time knowing you're being more gentle with yourself which you deserve. It's about overriding the fear or pain you have to begin with and if you can do it in a different way then you've conquered it just a little bit.
Hi alexfierro218. I am sorry that you are going thru such a difficult time. I understand the pains that people go thru. Have you tried talking to a trained professional? Also, have you noticed what brings on the urge to want to cut? Try splashing cold water on your face and holding ice cubes till you cant any longer... or on a more warm positive note, how about try something like playing relaxing music. think of something positive to replace the urge (curse - strong hold) that is upon you. How about a pleasant place like the beach, seeing a relative or friend. Trust me, easier said than done but, it is all in our mindset. Its in how we train our brains/minds to think. If we accept the negative stronghold, then we think about it and let it manifest to be an action. There is good news my friend. You can break this and become an overcomer. Would you please consider trying these positive methods. Keep us posted. Hugs and smiles to you my friend.